There is an awesome video of pastor Jim Burgen talking about his life. He’s got some amazing tattoos on his arms of a big sequence in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Check out his testimonial, and download the video to show others!
I had the opportunity to meet him back in January, and he is a terrific guy.
Also, if you’re a pastor, and you want to see an advance screening of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, you can register here.
What a great story. I was beginning to think that this story was scripted, but once he showed his great Narnia tattoo I could see his commitment.
When I met him in January, the tattoo was still very much black and white. He’s had work done on it since then.
I just got back from an advance screening for pastors and I thought it was fantastic. Will Poulter did an awesome job with Eustace! He played the part perfectly being just as exasperating as in the books, as well as being extremely funny. The effects, like everyone has been saying, are very good, even better than in the last two films. Many of the major themes were carried through. The ending, as the Pevensies and Eustace are leaving, I think, was the best scene in the whole film. It was played so well that it brought me to tears. My whole family agrees with me that it is an exceptional movie.
I HATE tattoos! Why would you call them “amazing.” I’m very offended that ANYONE would like a stupid tattoo. Even if it is Narnia. Someone very dear to me had tattoos at he died, I have always hated tattoos.
Sorry I meant to say “and he died…”
It sounds like there’s a deeper issue there. I understand that you lost someone who had tattoos. That doesn’t make every tattoo “stupid,” and I am sorry that you are so offended by them. I call them “amazing” because that’s what his tattoos are. To call them less would be lying.
Pastor? If he’s a pastor then he would know the Bible says not to get tattoos.
That’s in the Old Testament, right after a verse that says not to trim our beards. Jesus came to abolish the old laws and never mentioned tattooing specifically.
I got my KJV bible and here’s what’s after it:
Do not prostitute your daughters, to cause her to be a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry, and the land become full of wickedness. You shall keep my sabbath and reverence my sanctuary: I am the Lord. Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits: do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord.
These rules are obviously still to be followed today, so why do you randomly pick tattoos out and say it no longer matters? God put it with harlotry and prostitution, doesn’t sound like it’s about “old laws” to me. Yes, there are things in a passage that are the old law, but God makes those pretty plainly different from the other laws. If we throw the law of no tattoos out might as well become a prostitute.
No, Jesus addressed the prostitution issue. If we are to follow the old law to the letter, then there are things about slavery that are pretty interesting, and you do trim your beard… See also, the many arguments that bring up the same thing. We’re not going to solve it here. http://forums.catholic.com/showthread.php?t=227778
First of all I know Jesus addressed prostitution, that was the whole point.
Slavery? if you’ve ever read the bible in it’s entirety you would know that slavery was like a “job”, not what most people think. You could keep a slave for 7 years, then they would decide whether to stay or not. You did not torture your slaves, but you gave them a home for their families as well as food and many other things. Slaves became slaves because it was a good job, not like the usual slavery simbols of today.
Also that link: it failed to show anything in the Bible that says it was okay, they basically siad that sicne the catholic church said it was okay then it’s okay? first of all the catholic churc doesn’t follow the bible, they pray to mary after the bible says to only pray to God and NO ONE else. They add books to the bible, they try to say you can basically “pay” your way back to heaven when the Bible says you get to heaven through belief in Jesus. Catholics do many things against the Bible and therefore cannot be trusted when making decisions. I doubt the catholic church cold show me one verse saying that “that certain law” was of the old law, They can’t.
1: Yes, Jesus addressed prostitution, and that WAS the point. Because He did and did not address tattoos.
2: Doesn’t change the fact that people still had slaves, and if that were true of all slaves, then Moses wouldn’t have had to free his people.
3: You’re talking to a Catholic. So, let me address your statements directly, and concisely. I’m not going to go in depth, or let this continue much further. The arguments have been raging for 500 years and we’re going to solve nothing here.
A: Read the history of the Bible, it comes from the Catholic Church. Christianity would not have the Bible if it weren’t for us.
B: We do NOT pray to Mary.
C: We’ve never ADDED books to the Bible. As I said above, we are responsible for the assembly of the books that make up the bible. Martin Luther REMOVED books from the Bible.
D: We don’t say you can “pay” your way to heaven.
E: The Catholic Church does nothing against the Bible, and must be trusted when making decisions.
Let’s just put it this way: all of your arguments are ones that I have heard for 15 years and all of them have been satisfactorily responded to.
Anyway, I somehow knew that posting a link to a Catholic resource was going to bring out something like this, but I thought that charity was being practiced. Then you went and spoke things that people commonly believe are true, based only on hearsay and not study and no truth.
I’ll be posting my response soon, too busy right now. but just to let you know, I ahve beens tudying the history of the catholic church for a few weeks now so make sure you’ve got “proof”. Because I have mine ready.
I have been studying the Catholic Church for my entire life. Not to mention, I am actually Catholic, so be careful. When you make accusations, I can pretty thoroughly tell you whether or not they are fact or fiction.
that is so neat!!!!