Victoria S Music Video for “There’s a Place for Us”

Today the German Facebook page for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader uploaded a music video that Victoria S filmed of the song “There’s a Place for Us”. The video has also been uploaded to YouTube. You can see this video by clicking here.

I would like to thankΒ @Danieljofficial for telling me about this and uploading the video to his youtube account. He has also created a gallary of screenshots that can be foundΒ here. This new music video looks the same as the set that Joe McElderrly used for the music video of “Someone Wake Me Up”.

About David Sutton 117 Articles
A world traveling theme park engineer and Narniaexpert. I first heard the Chronicles of Narnia read to me when I was five. Ever since I have loved the books and fantasized about how I would like to see them made into films. Since 2006 I have been involved with where I am eager to expand my understanding of C.S. Lewis and see The Chronicles of Narnia adapted into film and other mediums. Reviews: All writings are my own opinions and do not represent The Walt Disney Company or any other film studio associated with The Chronicles of Narnia.


    • She’s a German Pop-star, so it’s probably the kind of thing that appeals to the European markets.

      AActually… I thought it was her audtion tape for the Lady of The Green Kertel in Silver Chair!

      • And I don’t mean that in a bad way… I mean it in a good way. She looks and dresses as I though LGK would. Just make her costume green, and longer, and there you go!

        • you know, I thought about teasing and saying ‘The Lady of the Green Kirtle in BLUE’ and then you said it anyways! πŸ™‚

    • She is a little freaky…kinda like a European version of Lady Gaga, haha. And yes, there are a lot of new shots in the video. You can also check out the screenshots I made of it (in the actual narniafans post, click the part about the gallery).

          • If you look at the actual post (by David Sutton) at the top of the page, go to the bottom paragraph and look for the line “He has also created a gallary of screenshots that can be found here.” Click on the “here” in that line. I know, it’s kinda hard to tell that it’s a link unless you put your mouse over it. I hope that works for you!

  1. What…. did Lady Gaga and The White Witch have a kid together???????????????????

    Also, i don’t think her voice is right for the song.

  2. I just don’t feel anything for this song sung by this singer…
    I’ve heard some singers singing this song but only like Carrie’s voice… She’s the only one meant for this song…

  3. i actually think this song sounds a lot more magical than carrie underwood’s version of the song. it has less of the country feel to it. i have nothing against country, but i always thought of narnia as more … classical (is this making any sense to anyone out there or am i the only one?). it still doesn’t beat regina spektor’s the call, though.

    • I agree with you, it’s more closer to the Narnia theme. Wish Regina Spector or Imogeen Heep would have contributed to the soundtracks of the movie πŸ™

    • I agree The Call is amazing, but you can’t always replicate great things; it’s a different film, different themes. They have to use different artists too. I did like this though. I felt this was more in line with This is Home by Switchfoot, much better than Carrie Underwood’s offering. Much better than Joe Mcelderry’s version too.

  4. she looks kinda scary! her voice is very good though, so i rather listen to the song instead of watching the clip, sorry Vicky!

  5. This is far more whimsical than Carrie Underwood’s rather poppy song and a much better version than Joe Mcelderry’s. Yes, she looks like a Gaga Elizabeth 1, but once you get used to that it’s actually a really good video. I would rather see someone fantastical than a boring pop singer. It’s definiately worth watching for the new shots too.

  6. I totally disagree with the “European” sound. I’m from the Netherlands and I totally dislike this version. I’m glad we get Carrie’s version over here. I don’t like this Victoria girl..

  7. she looks like shes trying to be lady gaga! =P WEIRD!! her voice is okayyyyyyy but overall it is just crazy and i really didn’t like the way she sang this song. Carrie Underwood rocks πŸ™‚

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