Yahoo! Movies Posts Theatrical Trailer for VDT

Earlier today Yahoo! Movies posted a new, theatrical trailer for “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.”

Click here to watch the clip at Yahoo.

Included are several new shots, including one of Eustace (as a dragon) and Aslan.

More to come…


  1. This trailer has tons of new clips!
    I like Trailer #3 the best. This one has some great footage, but it does flow as well as some of the other trailers.

  2. Gosh toooooooooooooo gooooooooooood………thumbs up..
    So many new clips and assures me it’s gonna be GREAT.Interesting scenes too…….. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

    JUST 31 DAYS AWAY… ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Awsome!!! It is definately a good thing that as the release date gets closer the trailers get better!

  4. Wow..this is just making it harder and harder to wait. It looks like it is going to be one amazing movie!

  5. I really love that they have several new shots in every trailer. Sometimes there are 5 or more trailers for one movie and it’s just the same sequences cut in a different order.
    Very great to see that they don’t do that.
    Awesome pictures! Can’t wait for the movie!

  6. Did I see Reepicheep flying on Eustace the dragon? I love the trailer. I can’t believe it’s only a month away.

    • I saw Reep flying on him too!! That’s not in the book and might be very cute. I LOVED the pic of Peter, Susan, and Edmund. They all are so grown up..Skandar is almost taller then Will! Also the part of Aslan and Dragon Eustace was more then likely my favorite part.

  7. awsome!!! can’t wait more!!!! only a month and the movie will hit the big screen!! yey!

  8. This looks so freaking awesome! All the effects look great,the new plot theyve created for the movie looks intriguing(Im actually open to it!) and PETER! *slurp* Oh my gosh I cant wait until it comes out!!

  9. i sooooooo cant wait for this movie to hit the theaters becouse im going to go to the premeir showing @~~`~~~

    • i imagine that that will come at the beginning or the end of the film. the relieving thing is that they’re in england at in that shot! whew!

  10. Looks great, but why does aslan say the journey is beginning when there at the edge of the world?

    • Trailers often take audio and video from different parts of the film and combine them, just to make the trailer look cooler or to show more material in less time. For example, the minotaur’s line of “Was it something I said?” can be seen used with two different videos in two different trailers. Someone who is not paying close attention may not notice, but obviously, only one of them can be the real one (unless the scene itself was changed between trailers). Most likely, the video in this scene is at the end, and the audio is from the beginning.

      • Aslan says you’re journey lies beyond,right? meaning in our world.Their adventures in Narnia is over,they have to find Aslan in our world now.

  11. What’s the Spitfire (or other WWII fighter plane) doing at 0:42??? Is that scene in Narnia?

    Awesome trailer. Not quite as epic as the last, but great footage.

  12. it looks like they have changed it alot from the books:(:(:( why do they do that, can’t they jusst follow the books better?
    it looks ALOT darker.

  13. Oh I can’t wait!! My favorite part of Voyage was dragon Eustace meeting Aslan and his “baptism.” That is why Voyage is my favorite book! And judging just from this trailer, it’s going to be perfect! (running off to cry now) ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. its fantastic.skander n georgio is looking more older but they look nice as always.i can wait anymore for dec10.

  15. Omg! SUSAN! She’s soooooooo beautiful! im sooo happy her and will are in it!!!!!! cant wait for the movie!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ “I LOVE NARNIA”!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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