Earlier this morning I shared about Friday’s ticket sales for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (view article). Unfortunately more accurate results of $8.2 million are in that are even worse than expected. The opening weekend of Voyage of the Dawn Treader was important to the film’s success, but we can do something to make sure that the slow start for the movie doesn’t result in a poor finish. The only way that Narnia books like The Silver Chair or The Last Battle will be made into films is if the Narnia Fans join together and ensure that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is a success. Here are 10 easy things that you can do to make sure that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is successful enough for there to be future Narnia movies. NarniaFans.com has over 1.1 million readers and if everyone joins together we can make sure that the film’s sales are better than expected.
1. See The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 3D this weekend.
2. Update your Facebook and Twitter status to tell all of your friends about the movie and encourage them to see it this weekend. If you use Twitter be sure to include #DawnTreader in your tweet.
3. Change your Facebook profile image to this photo on the left.
4. Share you review of the move at https://narniafans.com/vdt_reviews/ and then post a link to your review on Facebook and email the review to your friends.
5. Ask your church to have an announcement about The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in their Sunday morning services and provide them with a list of Sunday afternoon showtimes.
6. If you have already seen the movie I highly recommend seeing it again. I enjoyed the movie more on my second and third viewings than I did the first time I saw it. I also suggest that you should take your entire family to see it because the whole family will enjoy the movie. If you haven’t seen the movie in 3D be sure to make it to a 3D showing of the film and invite your friends to join you.
7. Call or e-mail 10 friends and tell them about The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
8. Make a flier about the Christian themes in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and include the local Sunday afternoon showtimes. Pass out copies of this flier at your Sunday morning church service and encourage your friends to take their entire family to see the movie on Sunday after church.
9. Go to http://www.facebook.com/narniamovies and click “Suggest to Friends”. Then click on all of your friends to share the page with them to recommend that they “Like” the page.
10. Share this article through Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail so that you can encourage your Narnia loving friends to see the movie and help promote The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
The future of Narnia films depends on you. The box office sales from Friday were very disappointing, but the weekend is not over yet. I recommend that this evening you should see Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 3D with friends and family.
This is so sad. Please support this good movie, everyone!
If people keep tweeting, “Save Narnia from Box Office Doom,” the general public is going to start thinking that there must be good reasons for them to NOT see the film.
Can we please stop being Puddleglums here and look at the positive? Another Narnia movie is out! A few years ago it looked like Dawn Treader was never going to happen, so can we please just ignore the money making aspect for a moment, and enjoy the film?
Yes, I know that this film must be commercially successful for them to make another one. But for goodness sake, let’s not love this one just as the means to an end! If people see it, they see it. If they like it, they’ll see it again. If they don’t, let it be.
The way I see it, the movies are going to have to get smaller anyway. The stories are wonderful, heartwarming, and magical, but they are not blockbusters. This doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get made, it just means the WAY they are made might need to be changed. The people at Walden want these books to become films, and I say, power to them. I love Narnia with all my heart. But you can’t please or interest everyone, so it’s time for Walden to figure out who they’re making the films for; and, I’ll tell you what, it isn’t for a blockbuster-making public. It’s for the child in all of us, and the ability to use imagination to help people believe in something bigger than themselves. Design and create a film that makes people feel the wonder of another world, and they’ll fall in love with it, all by themselves. Dawn Treader does that. So stop harping the money, and let people love the film. The rest will take care of itself.
I totally agree with that, but then you have to realize that for Walden to be able to make more movies for the child in us, they need money. The only way they can get that money is from the box office sales of this movie. Thus, this movie needs to make enough money SO that they can make people feel the wonder of another world.
I understand your point about “Save Narnia from Box Office Doom” so I changed the headline. I don’t want people who just read the headlines and not the whole article to get the wrong idea. The point of this article is to equip fans with things that they can do to help the movie become successful enough for Fox to continue making Narnia films.
Nice stuff, let’s ramp the positive! (And this article is now being passed around to all my friends, cause this film is awesome!) Sail on, Dawn Treader! 😀
That’s a very good point! Well said! I love all three films and that’s enough for me to continue watching them. 🙂 For the love of Narnia! 🙂
i agree with this we have to supoort this movie 🙂 family orenited movies don’t get much support so if it’s still out in January in 2D in theaters i’ll go see it when i’m on vacation in Hawaii if we can afford it
If demand increases in say 2-3 weeks time is it possible screens allocated for it would adjust -increase?
It seems like it would be a really good time to be spending marketing budget for a Narnia movie alot around christmas and having those holiday feelings being kicked in, but that sort of is abit unusual as usually happen mostly when a film opens i would imagine. Narnia is not an entirely typical modern movie franchise situation though so it may warrant that that is what the approach with it is.
We have to see teh movie in 3-D this weekend, what with Tron: Legacy and Yogi Bear, both 3-D releases, coming out this Friday.
I was underwhelmed by the movie. As a secular fan of the books, I took more out of the interesting parallels made to Christian mythology – and those aspects came through perfectly in the first two movies. I very much enjoyed those. However, Dawn Treader (which was my favorite book) seemed like a Sunday school lesson. Every half hour was a new moral lesson. I don’t want to be preached to when I go to the movies. Now, if they can make The Silver Chair without telling me to have faith in Furry Jesus every five minutes, I’ll go see that.
Exactly how I felt. Also the movie quite boring and the additions made the story feel disconnected.
While I wasn’t underwhelmed by the film, I do have to agree with you on the Sunday School aspect they added here. Especially at the end when Aslan gives his big speech and pretty much turns to the camera and says “I’m God, be a Christian.” I thought that was some serious overkill. I enjoy subtlety, and things like that actually hinder the chance of a broad audience.
I know what you’re saying, but those lines were practically word for word from the book. People either complain that the movies aren’t enough like the books, or that they are too much like them.
A big factor in the lower box office totals for all movies this weekend is the horrible winter weather throughout much of the Midewest. I had to make a determined, concerted effort to see the movie on Saturday afternoon at 1 PM to beat the freezing rain.
Many college students are in final exams and cannot see the movie. I expect that many families will see it over the holidays as well.
I think that the true test will be what the total numbers are after the New Year, i.e. after four or five weeks.
Incidentally, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and I especially enjoyed watching Lucy’s and Edmund’s story arc end.
WHoops! I didnt’ see your post before I posted. Thanks!
I completely agree. I live in the Midwest, and I’m SO glad I saw it Friday night, because last night there was so much blowing snow everywhere, it was literally like a blizzard. NO ONE wants to be out in THAT right now, unfortunately. =(
On top of that, I’m a college student, too. =) lol and yup, finals are kind of discouraging people from seeing any movies, simply because it seems like I never have enough time to study. However, I went to see it with my family, and the whole ROW in front of us was filled with college students. So maybe there’s still a little hope there. =)
I just hope the filmmakers will look at the TOTAL sales, and not just the opening weekend. Surely they must realize that other things like weather and busy schedules affects the ticket sales….
very true on the college students. Back in college my best friend and I had a rule when it came to opening night for a major block buster .We would only go after our last final was done so we could enjoy the movie and not be freaking out. As Lewis was a professor hismelf, I think he’d be inclined to agree.
I think that Narnia is having to overcome the fact that HP was released a mere three weeks ago. Two fantasy films released almost directly after each other? People may be a little tired of “fantasy” films after HP. I don’t know, but I really hope that Narnia 3 gains more box office standing in the days to come. I wont’ be able to see it until Friday, but I am advertising it in my church, and trying to get together a church group to see the film.
I’m not tired of fantasy films. I live for fantasy and there is going to have to be more than two fantasy films to open at roughly at the same time to really be too much. At least in my opinion. I won’t be able to see it till Friday either, but I posted several messages on facebook to see the film.
1. Unfortunately, I can’t, soon though, soon.
2-4, 9-10. I can’t, because I don’t have a Facebook or anything like that.
5. Unlikely that he’d want to see it.
6. Will do my very best.
7-8. I can try that.
Well, most of the things on this list I can’t do, but now I’m going to try to find as many reviews as possible of Narnia and comment on them about how it really is a movie people should see- starting with CNN
I would like to point something out… a good chunck of the midwest is currently dealing with a HUGE winter storm. The Box Office analysist don’t look at that. They jst look at ticket sales. I worked in retail and each day we were expected to have LAST years sales figures for that day, and it never took in to account things like weather problems and an economic recission.
Movies dont’ either .Analysist look adn see, oh, no one wants to see VDT.” They don’t say “oh, horrid storms in MN, WI, ND, SD, and IA. They CAN’T go to the movies if they wanted to.”
( I was in the middle of this storm. Most shopping centers shut down today which means the theaters did too.) So, I’m saying don’t worry. Once the weather lets up, and clases end for the holidays I hope people will be seeing VDT.
Don’t forget MI. I was on my way to the movies yesterday (to see it a second time) and 8:00 and suddenly we were stuck on a country road w/ no reception for a few hours.
And don’t forget MO either =) not Friday, but definitely Saturday, the snow and winds hit
One problem Jonathan – there were winter storms throughout the Midwest when LWW came out, and it did just fine at the box office.
I’m going to see it because Ben Barnes is in it, a handsome and talented young man…I don’t need another reason. The fact that it’s fantasy is a bonus. Religious elements are irrelevant to me, but having a film with a moral message for a change instead or blatant sex and gore is a refreshing change. I hope the film is successful for the sake of Ben and all the other actors’ growing careers.
I am from germany and can’t see the film already, cause the film is coming out here at 16th dec. But i’ll go at the preview at the 15th dec and on 18th dec with my family.
i changed my prfile image and invited friends to come with me to whatch narnia.
I really hope that narnia will be successfully enough that they will film the next narnia movies either. I really hope that and I think we all do…
sorry I did some mistakes…but I can’t speak english so good.. 🙂
VDT makes 24.500.000 $ in opening weekend! Source: Box Office Mojo!!!
i wish i could help the movie is not out in my country :/
when i saw it on friday, i swear i saw some kids a grade above my friend and I. They weren’t the type of people I thought would be anyone who would see Narnia anything, so that is promising 🙂
L.A. Times said Narnia made 81 million in foreign markets. Is that a typo or did I read that right? It also said that Narnia had good word of mouth, viewers giving it an A. Maybe there’s hope.
I just read that the new Narnia movie did three times better in foreign ticket sales compared to domestic sales for the opening weekend. That’s quite interesting! So, far the movie has made
105.700,00 million (24.7 million in North American and 81
81 million in foreign ticket sales).
I saw the movie last night in 3D. I too think that Narnia is going up against HP, which is being shown in the Imax theater around here. We saw the movie in 3D, but it was really expensive. I too think that we should advertise with positive comments. I don’t want people to think that the movie is bad and should stay away. But there does need to be a bit of prodding to convince people to support the movie so more like it will be made.
The movie was awesome, and I plan to re-read the books and watch the 1st movie again soon. (we just watched the 2nd one right before going to see the 3rd.)
Oh, and pray hard the this movie will do well.
This should have been released in June, not December. The VBS debacle this summer didn’t do Walden any favors in the religious market. And it looks like 3-D was a mistake. Walden’s brand is just not broad enough. If I was running Walden I would get a presence in the TV market and stop allowing bookworms and librarians to make my decisions for me.
Lastly, negative scare tactics does not make for good marketing.
Firstly, a June release for the film wouldn’t have been good. We know that from Prince Caspian’s May release. Summer tends to be overcrowded.
Walden’s brand may not be very broad, but Fox’s is. They released all of the Star Wars films.
Also, I don’t think David meant for this to come across as “negative scare tactics.”
I really don’t think you know much of what you’re talking about…. Walden didn’t make any of the Narnia marketing choices, that was all Fox. And I actually saw quite a bit of TV advertising.
The 3D was actually pretty good, and raises up ticket prices, so it’s always a good thing financially.
Maybe I’m out of the loop, but I don’t know what VBS debacle you’re referring to, but I know that almost every church I know of has a positive opinion on Walden Films (and I work at a church).
And I also don’t know what “negative scare tactics” you’re referring to. If you mean this post in general, it seemed fairly positive, especially given the money this movie just made.
The movie was so great! I love love loved it! I suggest to buy a ticket for someone and take them. That is another way to help. I took a friend of mine Friday night. I am taking my mom in a week when I am home! I have been telling everyone about this movie. I believe God is faithful to be sure these powerful stories that glorify Him will be made. We can do our part and God will surely do His! I was reminded in this film how God used Aslan as a child to lead me to Him in this world. Praise Jesus!!!!
they most likely will make another movie because woldwide its made 105 million.and thats just friday and saturday.
I would have loved to have seen Narnia this weekend but it didn’t open in my small town. the nearest theater to see it was an hour and half away and with 60 mile/hour winds all weekend, that just wasn’t possible.’
However I have every intention of seeing it as soon as I can
I went to see it yesterday. Loved it, inspite of all the swooping around, which was making me dizzy. Will probably see it again.
However, I refuse to see 3D, as that makes me ill.
I went Saturday with my daughter to see it in Oklahoma . Her entire grade in school is going to see it Thursday. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
I loved it sooo much I LOVE it it makes me feel so alive
Took a group of 12 friends to see it on Saturday. Soooooooo amazing; the theater was fairly packed and we didn’t even see it in 3D. Plan on seeing it at least 3 more times, and in 3D. Anything to make the Silver Chair reality!
I think part of the problem is that so many movie reviewers keep comparing Narnia to Harry Potter. The fact is that Narnia is NOT Harry Potter and fans don’t want it to be like that, and I KNOW that C.S. Lewis would’nt have wanted that either. Narnia has an element on innocence that Harry Potter never had and never will have and I wish they would stop comparing the two. The only review I have seen that has reviewed Narnia honestly and fairly is a review at Plugged In.com (The reviewer there LOVED Dawn Treader by the way…) I think that if more people could see honest and fair reviews like that, then Dawn Treader will do better.
No fear. No retreat.
Cmon guys let’s let em at least reach the last battle! I love narnia and I am not alone. Let’s join together and support what we love! These kids are great actors, and they are telling great stories. Lets turn away from the evil and temptation of kost movies nowdays and draw towards the innocence and pure joy of narnia! Long live aslan.
Skandar and Georgie deserve congratulations for their work in the 3rd movie. If the first two had not already proved how amazing they are, the third definitely did! I love them, and their costars Anna and William. These four children who have experienced so much together are some of the most talented people I have seen, and I hope they continue with their greatness. I dearly hope a new narnia will come out, like the last battle, and my greatest wish would be to get a small part in it (very unlikely though). I love narnia, the books, the movies, the actors, the creatures, everything… For narnia, and for aslan!
The previews strongly suggest a delicately told story of exploration and wonder has been Potterized into formula of conflict and manipulated dramas.
The first movie was borderline, the second awful.
The third is failing for the productions’ deep departures from the stories. The world has not been improved by the monetization of Narnia, and I can’t say I’m sorry to see that this may soon stop.
Readers are advised that ‘moderation’ of this forum:
– initially deleted my first comment
– posted the comment many hours after my submission, and then after a note to their feedback form and some email back and forth re: the comment
– deleted another comment the deletion of the first comment.
This is not a free-use forum, and I suspect that moderation would prevent or slow posting of comments critical of the movie.
Good night.
When you come into a place that I built, pay for, and make nothing on, and based on only seeing a trailer, make disparaging comments about something you have not seen (believing that previous films and the trailers are a qualifier) that was what I took issue with. It wasn’t the negativity, if you read the comments thoroughly you can see a load of negative comments. It was the negativity without actually having witnessed something. I can understand if what you’re being negative about is something like American Beauty or whatever. But when it’s a children’s movie with positive themes, and you haven’t seen it for yourself… that’s what I took issue with. I’m sorry that we don’t see eye to eye on the moderation issue, but I’ve gotta have it on to prevent spammers and trolls from getting through to spew nonsense or ads.
LWW was the first book that I read and the whole series holds a specialness to me and have always imagined how the films could be. However, The bottom line is the film will need to make a figure that Fox have targeted . For starters that figure will need to be above the making and marketing costs of around $250,000,000 minimum. I suspect $400,000,000 as being more like “safety”. C S Lewis’s Step Son is involved in getting these films produced so there is some sentiment driving these forward. There is definate affection for these films and I’d suspect that there should be a steady long term DVD revenue as they will be regarded as “classics”. Ironically the success of the films going forward may come from the sales of the books and a new generation of children discovering the magic as I and millions have done.
with that in mind. Present a child with one of the books :)and the films will take care of themselves.
Stephen 47 , England
I went with my mom and my aunt a couple of weeks ago and we had to split up, it was so packed! I think they are doing very well, to tell you the truth! 🙂
I dearly hope that the last battle is the next narnia movie they make. I will be sad since it would be the last, but the children are getting older and the last battle is the only other book with the original children in it. It just isn’t the same without them, and the silver chair is only eustace and Jill. They should make the last battle and end the series, beautifully and touching for the fans, and they should do this before all the children are grown up.
Yes, I agree. I would rather have the last battle be produced next instead of the silver chair. It would be better because they need to produce the last battle before the kids get too old, since everybody would be mad if the kids were replaced.