www.FXguide.com has released an article breaking down several of the visual effects (VFX) used in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It’s quite amazing to read about the various things done behind-the-scenes to bring us the amazing effects we see in the movie! The article talks about the effects used for: the painting on the wall, Aslan, the Dufflepuds, the never-ending wave, the Dawn Treader itself, Reepicheep, Dragon Eustace, Dark Island, the sea serpent, Narrowhaven, the White Witch, the green mist, and many more! You can read the entire article HERE. There are also several hi-resolution shots in the article!
Thanks to Narniaweb for the heads up!
UPDATE: I have uploaded all the hi-res pics to my Picasa Web Gallery. Caution: the pictures can be spoilers if you have not watched the movie yet!
wow, just…wow.
The FX article is very good. Be sure to listen to the podcasts. They are very good and cover some different material. I enjoy the story about the hardest scene to turn into 3D was the garden party scene. It looks like the FX people might have a real shot at an Oscar.
GREAT…Really tooo good..