Dawn Treader Score Eligible for Academy Award Nomination, More on Original Song

David Arnold’s score for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is one of the film scores that are eligible for a nomination for Best Original Score.  David Arnold has three films that are eligible for a nomination.  It’s got a lot of competition, though, as there are seventy-seven scores that are going to duke it out for spot on the list.

In related news, here is a little more about the way in which academy voters look at the Best Original Song potentials for a possible nomination.  As you know, Carrie Underwood’s song is a potential nominee.

The Academy earlier announced that 41 songs from 36 different films are competing in the song category. The song bakeoff — in which members will watch all 41 contenders in their original film contexts — is slated for Jan. 6, although branch members may request a DVD for home viewing instead of attending the screening.Music-branch members — who include composers, songwriters and music editors — have until Jan. 14 to return their ballots.

Nominations will be announced Jan. 25.

This kind of puts Carrie Underwood’s song, “There’s a Place for Us,” at a slight disadvantage.  I have a feeling that films that are used within the context of the film itself, that have an emotional effect on the viewer with regard to the content of the film, will have a greater shot at earning votes.  Because Carrie Underwood’s song is played over the end credits, it doesn’t have the emotional impact that earlier songs have had, such as Regina Spektor’s “The Call” in Prince Caspian.

Let’s hope that the academy voters listen carefully as well.  I hope this helps you understand how the votes happen.

Best of luck to David Arnold and Carrie Underwood!


  1. I saw this movie yeasterday (I’m from Poland, we had premiere on 25th December) and I don’t like this music. Well, no “don’t like”, just “can be but nothing fantastic” – that’s what I meant. Except “There’s a Place for Us” and ending with pictures from book – that was marvelous

    • I agree too. It was like wallpaper music. It only came alive when it reprised the kings and queens theme from the previous movies. I have listened to the soundtrack about 5 times and i cannnot hum more than 2 lines from it. Completely unmemorable. Very utilitarian, it serves its purpose. Lovely to listen to as a piece of classical music. Critics complained that Harry Gregson Williams score was not as memorable as the Star wars theme, and that he reprised too much of LWW in Prince Caspian. Well, I’d give my left foot to have Harry back, I’ll tell you that. When I hear his themes my heart swells from the feeling of majesty he has created. the new music is so bland it did not help drive the movie at all. I wonder how much better the film would have been with HGG’s music to propel it. The music is so important to a film. Try watching a movie with the sound off and you’ll really experience how important it is.

      When the end credits came on with Carrie’s song, for the first time in the movie I was moved to tears by the music, and seeing the drawings really hit me in the heart. That was GREAT.

  2. I was inspired to write a song several years ago after reading “Voyage of the Dawn Treader.”

    I pitched the song, “Eastward,” to Twentieth Century Fox hoping they would pick it up for use in the movie… but alas it was not meant to be.

    You can have a listen here: http://www.nickmilos.com/music.htm

    Hope you enjoy, and please feel free to pass on to others.

    Happy New Year!

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