Today I was contacted by Cyclops from Aslan’s Country who recorded a segment from yesterday’s Glenn Beck television program where Glenn Beck strongly recommended The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie. This was part of a “favorite things” episode. Glenn Beck called the Voyage of the Dawn Treader “Fantastic” and said the new Narnia movie was,”‘On par with the first if not better than the first.” Glenn Beck has read the Narnia books. As he talked about reading the series to his kids he held up a copy of the Magician’s Nephew and said,”It really is just about the creation of the earth and it’s Adam and Eve and everything else. You know completely disguised so adults like Liam Neeson can’t figure it out at all.” Glenn Beck said “It’s a tremendous tremendous series” and gave his audience members copies of the books as well as tickets to see The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. You can watch this segment on You Tube by clicking here. Regardless of if you agree with Glenn Beck’s political views, he is an incredibly influential person and this endorsement will have a strong impact on the film’s word of mouth success. To celebrate this important endorsement I created a special Glenn Beck version of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader Poster that can be seen on the left.
I am a huge Glenn Beck fan and was very glad to hear that he is endorsing the series.
Love the poster! And I like Glenn Beck; don’t agree with him all the time, but hey, I don’t always agree with Sean Hannity. Thanks for the info!
Hopefully you can agree with him that The Chronicles of Narnia is a great series.
I love Glenn Beck’s show. I was so happy to see him recommend Dawn Treader! =D Thanks for the post 🙂 love the poster…haha!
It actually scared the heck outta me when I saw it!
the poster
Not the publicity Dawn Treader needs.
Agreed. A hyperthyroid statist like Beck would not see a whole lot of things eye to eye with a libertarian like Lewis, shared religious foundations aside.
Please save your hatred for your group think sessions over at daily kos or moveon.org – this is no place for political rantings…..
LewisLibertarian, why do you consider Lewis a libertarian and Beck a statist? Lewis’s friends and acquaintances all painted him as a rather traditionalist conservative. When did an old-fashioned British Tory equal a libertarian? Sure, he was against government control of industries like the British Railroads and was rather strongly against the “welfare state” in general, but so are 90% of regular conservatives (at least in the U.S.). He wasn’t for censorship of books but not all that many are nowadays whatever their political persuasion. You don’t have to be libertarian to stand for that. So, what evidence is there that Lewis was not just a typical conservative but rather libertarian?
Beyond that, Glenn Beck is constantly attacking the idea of growing big government, and I’ve personally heard numerous conservatives complain about him because he’s much too “libertarian” for mainstream conservatism. It seems to me you’ve got things backwards: Lewis was the traditional conservative and Beck is the libertarian.
This is not about libertarianism, statism or conservatism.
It’s about corporatism.
20th Century Fox and Fox News have the same parent company, News Corporation. It’s called corporate “synergy.” Glenn is an entertainer making money for his parent company like anyone else on cable, and he does whatever he thinks will get ratings or whatever his bosses need him to do. He has a show with high ratings, and I’m sure he and everyone else got a memo after the slow domestic returns.
I also think it would be impossible to extrapolate about what the political views of a person from another time (like C.S. Lewis) would be today. He spent time in the trenches of World War 1 and lived through the bombing of his country by the Nazis. I think it’s safe to say his political views were shaped by another zeitgeist, and can’t be easily translated to another era.
As far as how he might feel about Glenn Beck, it is equally impossible to know with certainty, however I do believe Lewis was an educator, giver of hope, and charitable human being. He did not stoke political fears on either side for profit, and his circle was literary and academic, not corporate.
I’m not sure he would have been enthralled by profit driven political discourse regardless of what view it espoused.
my question is, why didn’t everyone at fox tv get the memo BEFORE opening weekend? if this had still been disney it would have been all over their channels!
See here: http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/33693.html
And here: http://www.independent.org/newsroom/article.asp?id=2846
Comparing Lewis’ own observations about the role of government with Beck’s it is not hard to discern which of them favored more freedom. Beck is labeled a libertarian because the lefties need a bogeyman – lest we forget he was all for Bush’s (at the time) unprecedented unconstitutional expansions of government. Since the reigns shifted to someone he doesn’t like, he is now opposed to such enlargements.
Attack me if you wish – I do not visit moveon.org or the Daily Kos. I’m a Christian, and a libertarian, plain and simple.
Why not? He has an extremely large audience. This should encourage his viewers to see the film. As far as liberals and progressives are concerned, most of them probably don’t watch his show anyway, so most of them wouldn’t even know that he made the endorsement. Anyway, I would hope most of them would not be so petty and childish as to not see a movie just because a conservative liked it. He was not making a political statement about the Narnia books and films, he was discussing their worth and entertainment and educational value.
I saw the show and I was so happy. Did you notice how much people came to his event in Washington DC? Hopefully the people will go to the theaters and watch Narnia.
Now we just need Obama to come out with an endorsement. Something like, “My fellow Americans, in these troubled times, life is difficult for all of us. Many of you have lost hope. On this road to recovery, we need to return to hope, return to wonder… fellow Americans we need to return to Narnia! This weekend as a part of the economic stimulous, every man, woman and child are to see The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.” Obama would finishe his comments with a fist pump and a loud cheer of, “For Narnia!” That could happen right?
don’t hold your breath, if he won’t be caught dead near the christian oriented Boy Scouts, he sure won’t be caught dead promoting a film with a christian subtext.
Yes. He will. And I can’t wait.
I wish!
Finally we Dawn Treader will be sailing in the high tides in no time thanks to him and the holiday break fast approaching. I’m trying to get my little family of four to go see it this Friday if not then, Saturday. For Narnia and the North! Or East in this case.
I have heard and seen multiple trailers of VDT on the radio and on tv saying Narnia is the #1 movie on EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!
that sounds so cool! awesome!
LOL @ Jeff…
but wow, I am not a fan of Glenn Beck at all, but this is a non-political comment, and if his endorsements helps Dawn Treader, then sail on DT!! 😀
Some of my friends have seen it & I’ve told most people I know to go see it. I’m going again before New Year & the other two films are on during Christmas, so hopefully people will go see VDT too. 🙂
I just wanted to point out that in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader book Eustace calls himself a Republican.