Hollywood Jesus interviews Michael Flaherty

Michael Flaherty

Michael Flaherty Today Hollywood Jesus posted an interview with Michael Flaherty the co-founder and president of Walden Media. In this interview he mentions that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be sold on DVD/Blu-Ray by Easter and he even mentions www.NarniaFans.com in the interview. I enjoyed getting to meet Michael Flaherty when he was in Colorado Springs for the first screening of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in November. This week Michael Flaherty also was interviewed by Big Hollywood where he talked about the spiritual themes in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

“Me: My first question is probably kind of weird one, but as a fan of films and a fan who likes to collect films that I like, this has been a burning question in my mind. What does the change from Disney to Fox mean for future Narnia box sets for Blu-Ray and DVD? You have two distributors now, is that going to make it challenging to put together box sets where people can get all of the Narnia films in one set?

MF: You’ve just hit on something that there’s a team of lawyers right now who woke up early in Burbank are trying to figure out. That’s a very good question, but I think we’ll get a good solution.

Me: Okay, so you haven’t quite worked that out yet.

MF: No, no we’re hopeing to by Easter when this comes out on DVD.”

“Me: Yeah, well Narnia has a very dedicated fan base and how have the fans reacted to some of the early trailers and some of the early footage that you have shown? Has there been a good response, especially from the core fan base you’re going after?

MF: Yeah, and we didn’t want them to have to rely on just on those clips, so what we did was we went around and showed the film to probably 7,000 core fans, pastors and teachers. We got a great response from them and the word of mouth has been fantastic and there are two great sites out there, Narnia web and Narnia fans, and we’re getting really good reaction from those folks there.”

Read the whole interview here where he discusses the film’s use of 3D, the spiritual themes in the movie, and his favorite part of the film.

About David Sutton 117 Articles
A world traveling theme park engineer and Narniaexpert. I first heard the Chronicles of Narnia read to me when I was five. Ever since I have loved the books and fantasized about how I would like to see them made into films. Since 2006 I have been involved with NarniaFans.com where I am eager to expand my understanding of C.S. Lewis and see The Chronicles of Narnia adapted into film and other mediums. Reviews: https://narniafans.com/2018/03/narniafans-com-reviews-prince-caspian-logos-theatre/ https://narniafans.com/2018/02/narniafans-com-reviews-c-s-lewis-onstage-the-most-reluctant-convert/ https://narniafans.com/2010/12/first-narniafans-com-review-of-the-voyage-of-the-dawn-treader/ www.DavidAndawei.com All writings are my own opinions and do not represent The Walt Disney Company or any other film studio associated with The Chronicles of Narnia.


  1. Hey, i really like the interview. But now, i´m really nervous, and worried because of narnia´s box office. I´m new in this blog, so if you can find some information about the next movie, i mean if fox wants a next narnia movie or not, please i need to know it!!!!!, maybe in an other interview or something like that. thank you


    • Hecom, the makers of these films have said that it all depends on whether Dawn Treader brings in enough money. They don’t know this yet. It’s too early in the film’s run. They seem eager to do the next film if Dawn Treader does all right, so really we all just have to wait and see. I suspect it’s going to be a while before we know for certain what Walden and Fox’s final decision about The Silver Chair is.

  2. Thanks for the shout out, David.
    Hemcom, I wouldn’t be too concerned about the box office quite yet. As Flaherty says, they are expecting a marathon, not a sprint. There are also great numbers coming in form overseas. I think Silver Chair will be made. But, we shall see. Tell all your friends to get to the movie and support it!

  3. Just a complaint/grumble/wakeup call; In England, or my part of it, anyway, I have seen no advertising on posters, buses, newspapers, or TV. Have I missed it, or did Fox/Walden drop the ball? If people don’t know about the film, no wonder figures are low!

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