We had the chance to interview Georgie Henley and Will Poulter, who play Lucy and Eustace in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Skandar Keynes (Edmund) was also on my list for that day, but he called in sick that morning, unfortunately. We had a fun conversation anyway, and I hope that you enjoy it.
These two are such cool kids, I’ve enjoyed every moment that I’ve spent with them, both on the set and during press conferences.
Nice interview!
I love this two kids =)
You’re lucky for have had this chance.
Bye X
Well I think they both did a very good job with the interveiw. When Georgie was saying good-bye to narnia, that almost made me sad. I realy love all the charactors and they all do a very good job. If they weren’t in the movie I don’t think it would be the same. Ok, back to the interview. Well I think will poulter(Eustace) will do an awesome job in the silver chair and I say good luck to him and hope the movie is very fun to make.
Nice interview! Those two certainly look like they had fun and were relaxed which was lovely. I wish them all the best in their future. I’m looking forward to seeing them grow up and watch them hopefully in future films.
I wonder what the thing is that Will is working on?
well you can go here http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0980970/ All you have to do is click on the actors name you are looking for, to see if they are in any upcoming films! So far Peter, Susan, Lucy, Edmund and Eustace do not have any upcoming films.
Skander is never in any interviews.
That is not true. Skandar’s been in plenty of interviews lately! He was sick with a fever of 103 that day [Dec 2]. Even a few days later, Skandar had a bad cold but still did the Dec 5 press junket with Ben and Georgie! You don’t believe me? Check out this link for our interviews coverage: http://www.aslanscountry.com/?s=skandar+interview
I totally agree. But I’m so sad he, Georgie & Ben won’t be coming back!!!
No,Ben will stay,but Georgie will go away.And Skandie (read comments in second film).
They are amazing. So cool and collective. Wish them all the best and yes, they need to focus on school, very important.
Woah, anyone else agree that George looks so much older here? She almost looks like she’s just entered her 20s! It’s amazing what hair and makeup can do.
i feel like a proud parent watching georgie, she’s so grown up now and so polished and professional! remember that little girl we first met 5 years a go!!!
Very cool…
Nice interview I agree these two kids are Cool! Georgie is grown up she looks gorgeous. I hope there’s another Narnia movie.
her sister is making a movie now-racheal henley imdb.com
Georgie and Will seem like such nice kids. I hope that they can stay that way! Great interveiw, Paul! It must be so cool to have connections! 😉
They’re not kids all!Georgie is fifteen,but Will is eighteen years old boy.OK?