We have several varied pieces of news today!
Liam Neeson recently talked to IrishCentral.com about his involvement in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and he said of the film: “It’s pretty special, this is the third one we have done of Narnia. It’s very special in my heart.” He also commented on his involvement with the other actors: “I never get a chance to work with them, I am never on set with them. It’s quite frustrating, so I meet them at events like this [referring to the world premiere and the press junket].” There is also a video in the article, which you can read in its entirety at HERE.
As has been previously reported, CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) has a special section of their site just for the Voyage of the Dawn Treader (you can see the site HERE). CBN also has a blog, and their resident movie critic, Hannah Goodwyn, recently reviewed the movie. She says of the film, “An executive producer for the franchise, Gresham is confident “Jack” would enjoy seeing his stories told in a quality way on the big screen. That is exactly what this cast and crew have succeeded in doing. This new version of Lewis’ adventure tale is filled with excitement and pulls you in, engaging you with the characters on a much deeper level than the previous film, Prince Caspian.” She also makes an interesting comment about how a few of the movie’s crew members became Christians as a result of what they learned and saw during production. You can read the entire article HERE.
Barnes and Noble Music has updated their page for the Voyage of the Dawn Treader soundtrack! You can listen to short samples of all the tracks from the CD. These short clips are different from the 30-seconds samples that were released on the German page two weeks ago (see the original Narniafans post about it HERE). The soundtrack itself is available for $10.25 (online price)! I would recommend that if you have not already pre-ordered the soundtrack, you should go ahead and do that now. From all the reviews, David Arnold’s score is amazing! HERE is the link to the Barnes & Noble Music page. [UPDATE] The Barnes & Noble page for the soundtrack has been updated again, and this time it has the full credit listing! Thanks to Aslan’s Country for the tip!
Rediff.com has posted a review of the movie. The reviewer was a bit disappointed in it, giving it three of five stars, saying “As in the previous installments, the importance of defeating good over evil, whether within or beyond, is highlighted with clock-like regularity. Meanwhile, values are tested and lessons learned as the impressionable victims, essayed by actors at the prime of awkward adolescence, fend off the tricky aura of sparkling treasures, magical spells, a trance-inducing neon green mist or the irrepressible White Witch.” However, he said that in the end, a ticket to see the movie is worth it, because “[But while the transition from book to big screen is hasty], the level of drama and energy it generates is decidedly more lavish and breathtaking than its comparatively austere source.” You can read the full review HERE.
Finally, I have a little story about Twitter. Twitter has these things called TTs, or Trending Topics. Wikipedia defines trending topics as: “A trending topic is a word, phrase or topic that is posted (tweeted) multiple times on the social networking and microblogging service Twitter. Trending topics become popular either through a concerted effort by users or because of an event that prompts people to talk about one specific topic. These topics help Twitter and their users to understand what is happening in the world.” The term “Narnia” has been a trending topic since yesterday! This is really good news, because it means that lots of people are talking/tweeting about the movie. For any of you out there who use Twitter, I would ask you to use the hashtags #DawnTreader and/or #Narnia on posts you make about the movie. The longer it stays a trending topic, the greater the number of people who will see it and want to go see the movie! Here is a picture of what the Narnia trending topic looks like:
why are the reviews “not good” ? 🙁
NOTE: the following is simply my opinion.
I think that basically, it’s just the critics’s ideas. If you think about it, most movie critics are older men. It makes sense that movies such as this don’t really appeal to them that much…besides, it’s their job to be pessimistic about movies, haha. But in the end, it’s the fans that make the final decision. The critics can say whatever they want, but they only make a infinitesimal part of the number of people who watch the movie. It you go to Twitter, you can search “Dawn Treader,” and you’ll see that the vast majority of people loved the movie! (You don’t have to actually be a member of Twitter to be able to search in it)
I agree with what Daniel J wrote. Not all of the reviews are negative, but the film has had an average rating of 63% from rotten tomatoes. I will try to post my official review today so keep looking for that. I didn’t think that the movie was as good as PC or LWW, but I thought that it was a very entertaining movie.
I agree with David and Daniel! I was thinking the same thing… the critics are ment to try to get on the bad parts of this movie! where the fans care about the full product!
And all things considered, 63% from a reviewing group called “rotten tomatoes” is probably pretty good… 😉
ignore snotty critics- 83 percent of the regular public liked it!!
I’m jealous of those movie critics who get to see Narnia early! And I agree, older reviewers don’t like kids’/teen movies a lot of times. That’s why a lot of people put adult humor/more action: to make everybody happy. Anyway I can’t wait to see the movie!
That’s one thing I really can’t stand: adult humor. Thankfully, the Narnia films have stayed clear of that!
DT soundtrack: the link for NF’s old story on the clips and the link for B & N’s DT page are the same…
Good catch! Thanks, I fixed it now. If you see anything else wrong, let me know!
I’m so excited– Barnes and Noble’s clip of “Duel” (my favorite on the soundtrack) and the German site’s clip of the same track will, when played one right after the other, (with B&N first) match up perfectly =) giving a 60 second clip, rather than a 30 second clip
Where is the North American premiere going to be, besides in Tennessee?
Honestly…I have no idea. I’ve been wondering the same thing. It’s supposed to be at the city of the person/group who wins the Operation Narnia thing, but I figured they’d announce all that by now…all I know is that it has to be on Thursday the 9th.
I’m sad there will be no Carrie Underwood on the soundtrack because they have not released the single here in Australia even though they play the song in the credits!
do they really play the song in the movie credits?????? (i hope they do)