MOPS Moms: “Narnia is back and better than ever!”

MOPS is a website for Mothers of Preschoolers. They have just given The Voyage of the Dawn Treader another great endorsement, and have a good reminder for us that it is very important to support movies like this on the opening weekend.  If we don’t, the chances for more Narnia films goes down, and other movies like this.  Here’s what Valerie Bell of MOPS sent out to all of their members.

Recently, I had an opportunity to preview the newest movie based on the Chronicles of Narnia. Walking into the theater I could feel myself lowering my expectations to avoid the inevitable disappointment. After all, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” is a classic. Translated, that means there are plenty of places where it can go wrong on film.

But that night I was pleasantly surprised. I was awed by the film’s spectacular beauty, fierce adventure, delightful humor and spiritually-teachable moments.

Sometimes people of faith have a legitimate concern that Hollywood studios produce movies lacking a moral compass. But what about when Hollywood gets it right – is there some way we can “vote” so that more inspiring films like this will be made? Yes, at the box office. Opening weekend box receipts are critical to a film’s success. It’s the barometer that measures whether more of the same genre will ever be made.

So here’s my suggestion: Attend “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” this weekend (opening Friday, December 10, 2010). Call your family, email or Facebook your friends; invite your whole MOPS group for this terrific film! Then, show up in droves at the theater this weekend. If your MOPS group attends, take time afterwards to unpack the spiritual truths about temptation, self-image struggles and grace presented in this wonderful film.

Be aware that the littlest ones may be too stimulated to attend. But for the rest of us, grab a row of seats and let yourself be swept away to the places in the soul where Aslan reigns and every boy and girl (or every dad and mom) is king or queen. This is classic C.S. Lewis. The best Narnia yet, in my opinion! And while you’re enjoying the film, know that your vote for excellent movies with uplifting spiritual themes will send Hollywood a strong message.

Valerie Bell
Board Chair, MOPS International


  1. YAY! Hopefully enough people go opening week to get the silver chair made. I’ll go make it my status on facebook 😛

  2. So glad they gave it a good review!! (of course!!)
    I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish that i could go on opening night but we are having people over 😛
    Maybe we’ll go on Monday. In the meantime I’m going to read the book all over again:)

    all my FB statuses from here on out are Narnia 😉

  3. This is so wonderful to hear. I use to be in MOPS. It is a wonderful group and a great one to be supporting VDT!

  4. I saw it this morning at 12:01. I loved it and I really hope it will make enough money…I personally love these movies with all my heart and I want more of them to come out. Even if they aren’t exactly how the books portray them at least we have good morals coming out in theaters. At least we’re getting something worth while and wonderful, not crude and altogether disturbing in it’s humanistic views. I loved this movie! I really hope the fact that the theater I went to for the midnight showing (that was half empty) isn’t how this fandom is going to stay. Hopefully God will provide the money and we’ll see the movies get better and better. 🙂

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