The Hollywood Reporter’s Risky Business Blog has just posted this week’s Flixter Bullseye:
So, what does this mean? And what does the Los Angeles Times have to say about VDT’s budget, marketing, and box office?
The graphic is based on the age, gender, and ratings for various films collected from users on Flixter, a movie rating site. Splitting this into male/female, and over or under 25 years of age yields the quadrant you see above (CLICK HERE FOR ENLARGED VERSION). The size of the circle indicates the amount of activity the films have received on the Flixter site, while the shade of blue indicates the level of interest. Larger circles suggest higher activity, and darker blues suggest higher levels of interest.
Each circle is placed on the quadrant based on where the interest is coming from – is it males or females, and then younger or older.
Currently, “Voyage of the Dawn Treader” has a mid-sized circle shaded dark blue. This implies that activity related to VDT on Flixter is somewhat low, but interest is high. The circle is close to the center of the graph, indicating VDT is drawing interest from males and females, both older and younger than 25.
This is similar to what was reporter earlier in the week – that VDT is attracting attention from multiple demographic groups. “Tron: Legacy”, on the other hand, seems to be getting most of its attention from males over age 25 – not surprising, given the date of the original film’s release.
But remember, the above information is based only on VDT activity on the Flixter site. It is not “official” market research or box office tracking. Nevertheless, it is quite interesting.
In other box office news, the LA Times just published “Producers hope ‘Dawn Treader’ has magic of first Narnia film.” (Click link for full article). Among the interesting bits of info: special effects on “Prince Caspian” cost over $100 million (US), twice as much as the effects budget for VDT, and marketing for VDT will cost about $100 million.
AAAAHHHH!!! Why is the Dawn Treader on the Girl side???
well considering that there is only one movie, “…phillip morris,” that is basically ‘on target’ for everyone, girls, guys, old, and young, and that the darker blue color means that there is apparently more interested for ‘narnia’ than either that one or the ‘black swan.’ Also consider the movie that most people were saying was direct competition for ‘narnia,’ ‘tron’ is all the way on male side of the graph… I would say having narnia on the ‘girl side’ is the least of your worries. I’m a guy and this won’t stop me from going 🙂
It looks as though Narnia is shaping up to be one of (if not the) top box office seller, which by extrapolation bodes well for rest of the series being made into film!
This is quite fascinating!
I agree, this is definitely not top market research (I’ve never heard of Flixster, but if it’s a social network, then it’s very likely that there is not an evenly balanced demographic using it, therefore possibly messing up their numbers slightly) but it confirms what I thought about VDT.
A four-quadrant film is always what prodco’s shoot for, particularly right around Christmas.
But interestingly, there are more films, though smaller, in the Male over 25 group — this is because guys in the 18-30 range spend the most money on films.
I can’t wait to see how this compares to the actual BO numbers. 🙂
Sounds pretty encouraging.
Less then a week to go!!!