While the series may continue, for a few members of the cast it is time to say goodbye. Sure, like William Moseley and Anna Popplewell, there could be room for cameos in future Narnia films, and some of them do come back for more substantial roles much later on. However, at this moment, Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes and Ben Barnes are bidding Narnia farewell.
Ben Barnes – King Caspian
Asked if there’s a possibility that there may be more “Narnia” movies in his future, Ben quipped, “I approached the producers at the after party, after watching very carefully how many glasses of champagne they had. I made sure they had at least three before I broached the question. [In The Silver Chair,] Caspian is a 70-year-old man, so either they’re going to have to bring Howard Berger (the series’ makeup artist) and his team and I’m going to wake up very early in the morning or they’ll get someone older.’
“But, after those aforementioned glasses of champagne, they were talking about maybe doing flashbacks, because in the last chapter of ‘Dawn Treader,’ Caspian and Liliandil are getting married. There are few potential moments where we could do flashbacks, however.” If you do a quick search of the text, you’ll find many moments where there are some moments from the past mentioned. They could also use it to build the character of Rilian up for the audience.
A newcomer who was suddenly thrust into the limelight when he bagged the title role in “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian,” Ben said, “I had more confidence on the set this time, because we had the break in between, while the studios debated between themselves what they would do with all of our careers. I had a chance to go off and do other films and gain confidence from them as well.”
“A simple job was required of me this time since I’m not playing the title character,” Ben added. “Michael Apted asked me to perform a simpler task— just to be more authoritative, be the adult, instead of getting involved with the quartet of adolescents in the previous film. I relinquished that, and I was happy to walk on the set and have the crew know a bit of who I was. That helped me attain the air of authority to play a regal character.”
Georgie Henley – Lucy Pevensie
Georgie, who is blossoming into a young lady, said, “I’m going to have to move on from the ‘Narnia’ franchise, because I’m not part of the next films anymore, which is a shame. But, all good things must come to an end. I would definitely like to continue acting. I also need to concentrate on school so as long as I can find balance. Then, hopefully, I’ll have a happy adolescence.
“There are some snippets of the Pevensies in some of the books as adults or young adults, so I’m not sure how it’s going to pan out,” she answered on the possibility of being cast again in the potential next installments of the franchise. “Maybe if the opportunity arose and I was approached, and the franchise does continue. Maybe I would consider coming back for a cameo.”
There’s life for Georgie away from the “Narnia” set: “I’ve been going to a regular school for five years now. I’d like to go to university.”
Skandar Keynes – Edmund Pevensie
Skandar Keynes was nursing a bad cold, but he gamely went on with our interview. Of his post-“Narnia” life, Skandar shared, “I don’t have acting projects lined up right now. I’m focusing on my four-year degree in Arabic and Middle Eastern history. A lot can change in that time, and I’m not going to compromise that. I’m going to see what happens in four years’ time.” Skandar is enrolled at the University of Cambridge, no less.
What will he miss about his “Narnia” days? “The people,” Skandar quickly replied. “When we were in some weird places, in the middle of nowhere—or, if we were doing weird scenes, the people were always great! They’re the ones I’ll miss.”
“I’m ready to move on,” he admitted. “I’ve had a great experience. I’ve met amazing people. It was sad to say goodbye, but at the same time, I’m ready to move on, do other things and get my degree!”
Read the whole thing at Inquirer
Feels like the end of Harry Potter all over again. Then again it is their time to leave. However in the Last Battle aren’t we supposed to have all our characters back? Edmund, Peter, Lucy, Caspian and his family, and all the other characters return in the real Narnia. If we get the rest of the Narnia films. Well fairfaren Skandar, Georgie, and Ben to the higher seas of the future. I know this is Narnia, but I have to say this: May the Force Be With You Three.
I thought so to
Maybe those are the cameo appearances they are talking about.
Yeah, in “The Last Battle”, practically all the Narnia travellers come back like Diggory, Polly, Peter, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace, and Jill. Susan is the only one who doesn’t come back because she no longer believe’s in Narnia by this time. Also Mr. Tumnus and the beavers will be back in “The Last Battle” as well. Now, in “The Horse and His Boy”, the Pevensies are now grown 15 years older since they were crowned at the end of “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe”. Which is why in my opinion should just stay as a book, not a film. Now that “Voyage of the Dawn Treader” is out, filming in my opinion I remind you should go “The Silver Chair”, “The Magician’s Newphew”(to give the travellers more time to age in real life), and then “The Last Battle”. But who knows how the order will go.
Their age shouldn’t stop The Horse and His Boy from being adapted. I do believe it will be tricky to advertise since it doesn’t involve kids entering from our world into Narnia. So it will carry a different feel, which many people may not like.
they’re actually doing the movies in order of how the books were published, not how it was arranged later on.
I disagree. I think that Horse and His Boy should be made into a movie. For those that have not read the books, HHB defines the Colormen and sets up the Last Battle. HHB is also my favorite book.
I really want them to the ‘Horse and his boy’ cause then maybe all the kids can come back!!
ack, the title of this post made me cry!
I’m getting there… :'(
very… VERY… VERY!!! SAD :'( I REALLY hope they come back! I hope Georgie gets her wish of acting with Jhonney Depp! I’ll definitely be checking on them and seeing what new movies they’ll be in on IMDB!
Georgie, if you read any of these, If you read any of the Narnia books, Lucy comes back in Last Battle as well as has a role in The Horse and His Boy. You are the best Lucy I’ve seen and You’ve played the role amazingly well! Ask the director of Walden Media to bring you back if they do Last Battle.
I know! Lucy Rocks! And Edmund and Caspian too!
they need to make the Horse and His Boy!! aw, I LOVE EVERY ONE OF THEM:)
the only one who they let for us is eustace, its our last hope!!!
There’s Aslan and there will be Jill.
I WOULD LOVE TO SEE ALL SEVEN BOOKS BECOME MOVIES! Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, Ben Barnes, William Moseley, and Anna Popplewell just remember this: No matter each of one of you go in life, I will always remember all of you for your fantastic roles in The Chronicles of Narnia movies!
Those Narnia kids had better come back in Last Battle. Georgie and Skandar, I mean. If they are not in the Last Battle (since by then I will be able to go places without parentel supervision, at least if they continue making the movies at the rate they have been) I will fly/drive to wherever the filmmakers are and force them to re-make the movie so that they ARE in it. Because those two are two of the best Narnia Kids ever!!!!!!!
*grumbles* They better just not be thinking as far ahead as Last Battle yet and really be intending for the kids to come back then….
I know right, i just cant see any of the movies without any of the kids!!!!
to skandar, georgie and ben, if you ever do read this: you all are wonderful and inspiring and splendid and amazing. i’m going to miss you all (like i know you in real life, haha.) in the films. i can’t believe it’s coming to an end with you all. and, i must admit, i’m tearing up right now. see how wonderful you all are? making me, a girl you’ve never met, tear up at your acting in these movies.
wow, all the responses for this post are making me cry more than the article! :'( But i sooooooooooo agree. guys you all NEED to come back! (rebekah i feel exactly the same way!)
Matthew Vaughn, director of Stardust and Kick-ass, should direct the next Narnia movies!
Stardust budget – 70mil
Kick-ass budget – 30mil
Is it good to have that low of a budget!
Important thing is Matthew Vaughn could do it very well with this low budget, because I’m worried about the next Narnia films, if B.O. didn’t doing well, so I think maybe they can do it with lower budget, then hire a director that could do a great film with low budget.
I also think about Neill Blomkamp, director of District 9, but I’m not so sure what he can do with fantasy genre films.
Unless you don’t like Stardust, but it really is greaty fantasy film with low budget, Matthew Vaughn could be a excellent choice to dierct the next Narnia films.
This is my purpose, I hope Walden Media will think about it.
Ofcourse, if VDT B.O. doing not bad, they can have high budget to do it. I just want to help Narnia movie series, I don’t want this will become the end of the series.
That does sound like a good plan! I hope thats what they do…
That’s a great suggestion Tung! Stardust looked absolutely wonderful for a 70 million budget. It really makes me believe that the Narnia series can survive additional budget cuts just fine if they get the right person to helm the films. I think Matthew Vaughn would be great.
If they wanted to try someone a little more “out there,” Terry Gilliam is another great director who can make remarkable fantasy films on an even smaller budget.
oh my goodness it’s just SOOO sad. i can’t stand it!!! they should all be permanently casted for the whole series!!!!!!! they couldn’t leave till all 7 movies are made! i just love every one of them….i hope more than anything they’ll appear in the rest of the films!
I have a question! CASPIAN IS YOUNG AT THE END OF THE SILVER CHAIR! Aslan brings him to his country and Caspian becomes young again, and he, Jill, and Eustace teach the bullies at school a lesson. Couldn’t Ben Barnes come back at that part?!
Good point!!
they propably will leav that out anyway, with the way they structure movies these days.
Oh, and I love Georgie and Skandar!!!! I’ll miss you two! I hope they can come back for the Last Battle! Including William Moseley and Anna Popplewell! That would be amazing!
Very. 🙂
I really do hope that they bring the original cast if they choose to do the entire sequel, which I am anticipating!!!! The original cast will bring in many non-narnia fans in just because the actors are back. It’ll be something everyone has to see! That’s my opinion & observation.
It’s not just young people who love these books. I’ll soon be 66 years old, and every time I read them the beauty of them breaks my heart.
If God forgives me my many sins, I want to wake up from that final sleep to fall at the feet of Aslan and hear him say “Well done, thou good and faithful servant…”
dear Gerald,
had to make a comment!
the fact is that Jesus HAS already forgiven you by dying on that cross.we need to accept this,everything has been completed.
if you listen to the holy spirit He will reassure you of this.
God bless I`m so glad they made this wonderful set of books into films. well I know they are only on book 3 but I hope all will be done in time
to Tung: Ben was in Stardust. AHAHAHA.
aw, i’m still sad and tearing up yet AGAIN.
and you know, Georgie is only half a year older than me (and i’m an inch taller. mwahaha.) and she has the love of millions of people and has captured hearts of many countries. that goes for skandar (aaah3) and ben as well. they’re all so /blessed!/ i can’t wait to see them in later films, Narnia or not.
Yes, I know Ben is in Stardust, but the main thing is the director who can do a good movie with low budget.
I think Stardust was a great fantasy movie.
I know, it is a wonderfully made movie.
I only just found out that Ben was in Stardust and it was like an “AHA!” moment for me, lol.
I request the makers to forget the books and make the films on its own,like pirates of caribbean or spider-man series. If they go by the book,there wont be many takers for it untill the last battle.! Infact accept first and last book no other books had a cinematic potential. So if they dont want to burn any more holes in their pockets better listen to me.
I think the idea of doing flashbacks in The Silver Chair is great. After all, it would be really boring if one of the owls merely tells the kids about what happened to the Queen and to Rilian, whereas it would be an exciting thing to see. We’d get to see Drinian again too that way. If they can do a convincing job with the makeup, then I’d like to see Ben Barnes back as the old Caspian and I would like to see the same Trumpkin from Prince Caspian play the old, deaf Trumpkin in The Silver Chair.
I hope Georgie and Skandar’s statements aren’t a bad sign about the likelihood of A Horse and His Boy getting made. After all Edmund, in particular, actually has a decent part in that one, and it’s a great story. I’m sure a lot of the fans of the movie would be very happy to see the Pevensies back in Narnia.
I love your idea about flashbacks. And I love Skander, Georgie, & Ben! See, I hate this, great movies and GREAT actors, and I get attached. Then it’s over and everyone goes “boo-hoo” including myself. But they are in two more books. Why take them out early???
why do they keep saying they wont be back when they are in the books(, that could be expanded) i also hope they show ben and lil young and getting married before they age him. C’mon, you have a hunk like ben barnes and no romances for him other thatn a chaste peck in PC? what a waste-
CS lewis didn’t write Caspian having a “romance”. The kiss in PC was annoying. Caspian does get married in SC but again Lewis keeps the “romance” out. Kids books not romance novels. Ben Barnes is a good actor not just handsome.
..so not a waste!
Sooooo… will Edmund’s torch remain in Narnia until he comes to ‘retrieve’ it in the Last Battle?
Oh, and Caspian does make an appearance as a young King at the end ofSilver Chair, when he asks to see the kid’s world…
My son and I were discussing and thought of how they could cameo the Pevensies into all the films, including The Magicians Nephew, we know that in The Last Battle there is a scene in which all the heroes of our world (Peter, Edmond, Lucy, Eustace, Jill, Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer, no Susan of course) are sitting around dinner discussing about Narnia when King Tirian appears to them as a manifestation. They could have this dinner scene in The Magicians Nephew as Digory and Polly could tell their entire story as a flashback to everyone around the table and at the end of the movie they then have the image of Tirian appear in our world to end the movie. It would be a great “to be continued” moment, and a way to have the Pevensies in all 7 films if they can somehow cameo them in The Silver Chair, which would probably be easier to do than The Magicians Nephew.
i honestly hope they leave the franchise this way, a trilogy. since the rest of the movies don’t include any of the cast that people know, i doubt it would have any sucess, but that’s just me. i’d watch because i love the books but a narnia movie without any pevensie kids or ben barnes makes me think “boring”. they could always surprise me though…..but yeah, i hope they stop here.
I have to agree, I’ll miss the Pevensie kids, especially Edmund…(it was fun watching Skandar grow up on film)…and (after all, not reading all of the Narnia books), I doubt I’ll see anymore of the films without the kids. At least with LOTR the main characters were there till the end…I would have found it strange if Aragon or another character had disappeared…but I suppose CS Lewis had a different purpose with his Narnia books…I got the feeling that a future movie would focus on ‘Eustace’ – but that character doesn’t interest me…
it was really good but in the part3 less exciting because the PEVENSIE KIDS especially PETER and SUSAN did’nt play longer and important part but it was great; and nice idea that EUSTACE have gone to NARNIA and also the writer and director was great idea because they think the kids,,,, and did’nt put kissing scene unlike in part2 EUSTACE have learned a lesson, LUCY too has learned but also the kids,parent’s,friend’s and all watching NARNIA has learnedto be their self and not to owned which is not them that’s why i IDOLIZES NARNIA and all the characters,staff,make-up artist,camera man and all THANK YOU for making the movie nice,cool and interesting
GOD SPEED,,,,,,,
GOD BLESS,,,,,,,,,,,
i agree .i allways watching narnia from 1 to 3 edition . i
like this , cause narnia is my favoritte film forever . and , i
really hope the pevensie kids come back to narnia . i’ll miss the
pevensie kids , especially edmund . And Thank you for making the
movie nice , briliant .
aww…why is it that I usually get to learn about these things LAST??anyway:I will totally miss these awesome actors on screen…they’re possibly the best cast I’ve ever watched on screen(as any Narnia fan can totally and readily attest to)
I’ll miss watching Skandar on screen, most of all :(( (for obvious reasons)
and last thing:I CANNOT believe you guys took this out of a Filipino site..(just surprised when I clicked the linka nd found the site of the Philippine Inquirer pop up:’coz usually we have the MMFF things going on during December and it’s practically hard to strain any foreign movie news :P)
but above all:Ciao to them and hope to see them in MORE movies soon(crossing fingers for luck) :))
Is it real? They all gonna say goodbye? What about the horse and his boy? Oh my loving god! I love their character… Funny, Energized, Lovely, Brave, Handsome, and Beautiful… Really gonna miss them, I wish they could get smarter, because Georgie and Skandar leave because of their School Business… I love the both, goodbye Skandar and Georgie… Farewell Ben Barness, Anna Popplewell, William Moseley… Wish you guys have a wonderful life, find your perfect soulmate, and I wish you guys will never forget Narnia, your fans, and your hardwork to make this movie really famous, love all of you actors and actress… I think this is pretty sad for me, as no matter infact… I’m sharing tears right now! After I read this page, I cry…(Seriously) I love this movie! I hope you all get the better life! Goodbye, I have to clean my handphone from my teardrops… Once again, Georgie, Skandar, I’m a huge fan of yours… (Not that big, I just enjoy your Character and your bravery, I adore you guys so much, friendly and… Oh my! I’m sharing tears again!) This is a bad bye for me! But its for their own good… Excuse me now, have to clean my eyeglasses, and my phone just for sharing so many tears when I read this… :'(
i will miss them.Because i love this film ever, i always watching this anytime i want.I will miss LUCY and EDMUND.I always read the book…this is my favorite film ever because watching narnia is the happiest moment in my life……….i will miss u all!!!!!narnia is no. !!…
o mi gosh i will missssssssssssss u all.i love u soo mch Skander,ben,anna,georgie and william..as well as aslan ..u hv brought soooo mch to mi lyf narnia…i will nver ..everr forget u…
I want them all to stay.):
I think that the numbers droped beacause they theyvtook out the two older kids Susan and peter and if they take out Lucy and Edmond that will killl the movie I hated that they brought Euctice in as a character I don’t know if its just me but I love the movie series and iv watched the movies for the pevensie kids and I cried at the end of the movies prince caspian and voyage of the dawn treader beacause they left forever and if they make the next movie and Eustice and Jill another new character I don’t like I won’t even try to watch the movie.
i think that the orginal cast that played in narnia 1 and 2 and part of 3 should all come pack in the last movie or book called the last battle and fight togther or something like that. that would be awesome but whatever happens i will be still a fan of Narnia
I hate the fact that Narnia is going to end. Why can’t they see it’s a good movie and most of all thy should not take away any characters including Peter and Susan Pevensie
Okay, I am sorry if any of you are offended by this, but I think William Moseley and Anna Popplewell should stay in all Narnia movies. They are the best and make the movie better. I was 7 when the first Narnia
ovie came out and I absolutely fell in love with Peter and William Moseley. I still have a gigantic crush on him so that might be why I love his character so much. It just wouldn’t be complete without all four kings and queens of Narnia. Anyone remember Aslan’s quote when they were naming the Pevensies the kings and queens in the first Narnia? He said, “Once a king and queen of Narnia; Always a king and queen of Narnia.” So bring the best characters BACK!
Okay, I am sorry if any of you are offended by this, but I think William Moseley and Anna Popplewell should stay in all Narnia movies. They are the best and make the movie better. I was 7 when the first Narnia
ovie came out and I absolutely fell in love with Peter and William Moseley. I still have a gigantic crush on him so that might be why I love his character so much. It just wouldn’t be complete without all four kings and queens of Narnia. Anyone remember Aslan’s quote when they were naming the Pevensies the kings and queens in the first Narnia? He said, “Once a king and queen of Narnia; Always a king and queen of Narnia.” So bring the best characters BACK! Please?
They all need to come back! In the 3rd movie i cried because the two oldest kids were gone it just wasn’t the same without them! They are all such great actors and it just wouldn’t be the same if they were all gone and there were new actors!
It is surely my age. I’ve been a Narnia fan since 1973 when I first read the boxset of books. I want ALL the books made into movies. For me, it is not about these young actors, as talented as they are. It is about the creativity of CS Lewis who imagined Narnia in the first place. Without his genius there would be no Narnia, no White Queen, no Pevensies, no Eustace or Jill, no Caspian, no Puddleglum the Marshwiggle. I want the stories, all of them, brought to screen. Let the appropriate actors appear in the stories in which Lewis cast them. To add our own “improvements” is to change what was intended by the author. Please consider: It’s not about the actors, it’s about the stories — all of them. All seven, together, comprise the whole.
When we be able to see the next movie? I loved all of them and have several people who have watched the films with me. I think you people have waited long enough there are seven books why can’t you complete all SEVEN. Have to go now Narnia is back on the Prince is speaking. Thank you for a great ride(so far).