TV Spot #11 has been posted on Youtube! Thanks to Narniaweb for the story.
It has a new shot of the White Witch coming close to Edmund, and at the end it shows Caspian and the crew all throwing harpoons at the Sea Serpent. The most amazing part is where the camera follows an arrow (supposedly Lucy’s) as it speeds toward the Sea Serpent’s face. Be sure to watch the video in HD! Click on the picture below to watch the video (on Youtube).
Saw this on ABC family during Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . I’m looking forward to seeing the arrow scene on the giant screen in theaters! Although I’m still wondering why Susan’s weapons are on the Dawn Treader, I guess less money spent on props. Oh well it’s a cool bow, glad to see it in the movie again.
I don’t know for sure if they’re Susan’s bow and arrows…it does look like they are, but I kinda hope that they’re not. I’m not sure why. I guess it just seems weird for Lucy to have Susan’s gift. But still, if it’s for an emergency (and goodness knows they’re in quite a pickle at that moment, haha), I guess it’s alright.
could just be Narnian workmanship 🙂
Except for the fact that it’s not in the book, why wouldn’t Susan’s gift(s) be on the DT if (I assume) Lucy’s gift (the cordial) is?