CinemaSpy interviews Georgie Henley!

CinemaSpy, an entertainment news site, has interviewed Georgie Henley (who plays Lucy in The Chronicles of Narnia movies) about her role in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. They asked her several questions, including questions such as how it felt to attend the Royal Premiere of the Dawn Treader and meet the Queen (and see her in 3D glasses!), why The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is Georgie’s favorite book , and about whether Georgie had to do stunt training. Georgie also talks about her plans for the future. Below are some excerpts (the full article is after the jump):

Question: How was the world premiere in London? I know you met the Queen. I heard it was the first time in the history of the Royal film performances that the Queen put on 3D glasses to watch a movie.

Georgie: I think it was the best combination: the Queen plus 3-D glasses. She had her own special pair made with the royal insignia. It was such an honor to have there. It was a completely surreal moment. I would never have thought that one of these days I would be meeting the Queen. What an incredible thing! I would never have dreamed of it happening to me. It was amazing.

On Lone Island we see you sword fighting along with the rest of the crew. I know that you did a lot of your own stunts—did you have some training? How much fun was that?
It was really great! I was really happy to take on more of an action girl role. We were very lucky. We had about three weeks before we started shooting in Australia, and the four of us — me, Ben, Skandar and Will — got to train with the stunt team. We learnt the basics of kickboxing because sword fighting is basically kickboxing with a sword in your hand. It was really cool to learn that, and it was really great to acquire a new skill in the way of archery. I really worked hard on it. I just wanted to do so well. I tried my best. I am not sure if it came through [laughing]. We spent quite a lot of time on that.

So are you planning on taking a break, studying further or perhaps another movie or stage role?
I have to concentrate on my GCSEs right now. They are quite big exams which will determine my future. I would like to pursue acting hopefully in the near future, but who knows? Acting is such a hard industry to break into so it’s just depends on what is next after the franchise.

You can read the article in its entirety HERE.

About Daniel James 31 Articles
First of all, I'm a Christian. Second, I love Narnia! I've been reading the books ever since I was little, and I've been following the Narnia fansites ever since the LWW movie came out. You might know me as The Bulgy Bear. I'm homeschooled, and I'm the oldest of five children.


  1. this is what puzzles me- why is this the only article on cinema spy about this movie since its article announcing dawn treader would be made? with the utter lack of presence in the media about VDT,. its a miracle its made as much as it has in the US. its been virtually ignored compared to the first 2. its not like fox is a small studio and the first one made a fortune-why the media blackout? or- who dropped the ball on the advertising?

    • Could be that people are not into low-scale fantasy films like Narnia anymore. Or it could be the time of release. Or it could be the fact that it’s a Christian series. Who knows?

      • I thought they had PLENTY of advertising just not in the same way as disney! I saw billboards, advertisement was ALL OVER the theaters, I was seeing trailers, my freinds were talking about it, etc! I think the problem is the movie itself… Almost all the people I went to see it with came out feeling that it was just an OK movie! I was expecting it to be A LOT different so I enjoyed it more… But even so, It isn’t a movie that makes you really want to see it more then once in theaters!

    • They lost the mainstream movie going audience. They did it with Caspian going too long and being too dark. When Disney dropped the series, it was going to be hard to recover.

      Fox pushed the film to faith based groups and they ignored the secular movie going public and fantasy audience. This campaign that pushed seeing the films as an expression of Christian faith turned a lot of people off. There was no San Diego presence, there was press about fans angry at Liam Neeson for not stating that Aslan could not be viewed as anyone other than Christ, an official “faith based site” that put forward religious figures whose opinions not all Narnia fans share (which made their views seem affiliated with the film), and the defending of a polarizing, anti-intellectual, politician in the press.

      There was very little sense of fun surrounding this film. When I saw the film, I had a group of adult fans sitting behind me complaining about what was changed from the book so audibly you could hear them from four rows away (in a mostly empty theater), and that is the story of this film in a nutshell.

  2. hi Georgie!!!! i hope you reply! you are one of my role models and was AWESOME in ‘Dawn Treader’!!! i really want 2 meet u someday! ps. im going to be Lucy this Halloween! 10 yrs. just so u know:)
    your biggest fan,

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