While I was doing some online shopping I have found some incredible deals for Chronicles of Narnia DVDs. We will need to wait until around Easter before we can buy Voyage of the Dawn Treader on DVD, but in the meantime be sure to check out these great deals on classic Narnia movies. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian 3-Disc Collectors DVD has a retail value of $39.99, but ChristianBook.com is selling it for 75% off ($9.99) and can be purchased by clicking here. The three disc collectors version comes with the film and commentary on the first disc, bonus features on the second disc, and a digital copy of the film on the third disc (the digital copy has now expired). ChristianBook.com also sells the 1979 hand drawn animation version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe for $3.99 which is 80% off and can be purchased here. If you liked the classic BBC 1988–1990 television adaptations of The Chronicles of Narnia you will be glad to know that www.mardel.com has the BBC Narnia DVDs for $3.99 each. The BBC movies available are The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian/The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Both films are sold together on one DVD), and The Silver Chair. The entire BBC Chronicles of Narnia series can be purchased for $12.
Narnia Prince Caspian is one of my all time favourite fantasy films & therefore films -in my top 5 -(although the top of the cover looks like some abra kadabra kids wizard film & the bottom like a dsyney animated film about animals -all of which is kinda true of the film, at least a little bit..) and the films i like most are fantasy films, & the best ones as often as not are kid/family ‘type’ films.
I wonder if there will be an extended Voyage of the Dawn Treader dvd? If there was -although unlikely – would be great if it was released in a 3 disk special edition, featuring theatrical film, extended, and extras disc. I say this cause i would have loved the extended Lion, Witch & Wardrobe which i’m sure is great, but once i had the 2 disc collectors package for Lion, Witch & wardrobe which was really a great package, it was just too hard to justify having as well when extended edition came out later.
yeah, for some reason the PC cover turned me off, sep. after the awesome cover for LWW>
Yeah….it needs…. less sparkles…..But Prince Caspian is my favorite movie!
What’s the digitalized version and what do you mean when you say it’s expired? Thanks David for sniffing out these great offers!
Forgot to also say that if I already have the 2-disc special edition of PC, is it worth getting the 3-disc as well?
The digital copy is one that you can put on your computer or Mac when you buy it. I use it with iTunes, and if your iPod has video capability, you can watch the movie on your iPod. In order to use the digital copy, you have to go to the iTunes store and enter the code; obviously, the codes only last for so long.
If you already have a 2 disc version, it probably isn’t worth the extra money to buy the 3 disc. The 2 disc should have the audio commentary, though I don’t know. The 3rd disc is just the digital copy, which won’t do you any good now.
The three disk version is awesome! What two discs does yours have Saita? Because if yours is only missing the digital copy, then I would not buy the three disk… But on the other hand if yours does not have the bloopers and how they made PC disc, then I would definitely advice you to get the three disc!
The code has expired, but I tried it and it still works.
the digital copie does work even after its expired
just a few days ago, I boughtthe first and the second films as a blu-ray disk. I like the extras so much. nice interviews and a lot of interactive games.
I am from germany so both together cost 39,95€, but I think for a blu-ray that’s okay..
can you please explain in detail what the games are like and your opinion of them,iam trying to decide whether it’s worth it for me to tget the blu ray- thanks.
You should definately get Prince Caspian on blu-ray! It has soooooo much more behind the scenes footage including a 360 degree view of the night raid set that contains a lot of clips on the work put into the movie and how the actors did their fight scenes. It’s really cool and worth it!
Hey,I think I’ll buy that.Looks interesting.Does the 3-disc have that as well??
Only the blu-ray has the 360 thing
but what are the games like?
http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/885/chroniclesofnarnialion.html http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/1724/chroniclesofnarnia_princecaspian.html
Here are two Links where you can read everything about the extras on the Narnia Blu-Ray Disks.
On LWW you can play a great “Battle for Narnia” Game which is great fun.
thank you marii- can you tel lme what battle for narnia game is like? thats the one im interested in finding out about-
I tried to order the BBC DVDs but they do not give you the 3.99 “MARTEL” price. Instead, they give you the “SALE” price of $6.99. uh? how do you actually have a “sale” where you charge more than the regular price? only at Martel.
LOL!!! That is so weird + stupid!