A movie about the life of C.S. Lewis is planned to be released in summer of 2012 and has been written by Louis Markos AND Darren Scott Jacobs. The official webpage for this project can be found at http://www.thelionawakes.com/ This website recently linked to the official facebook page for the new C.S. Lewis movie. To become a fan of this movie click here: http://www.facebook.com/TheLionAwakes NarniaFans.com also has a facebook page http://www.facebook.com/NarniaFans If you like this website or if you like The Chronicles of Narnia please “like” both of these pages. NarniaFans.com is quickly approaching 2,000,000 fans.
A world traveling theme park engineer and Narniaexpert. I first heard the Chronicles of Narnia read to me when I was five. Ever since I have loved the books and fantasized about how I would like to see them made into films. Since 2006 I have been involved with NarniaFans.com where I am eager to expand my understanding of C.S. Lewis and see The Chronicles of Narnia adapted into film and other mediums.
All writings are my own opinions and do not represent The Walt Disney Company or any other film studio associated with The Chronicles of Narnia.
Any ideas or suggestions as to who they would cast as Lewis? I just watched The King’s Speech, and when I saw this article I thought of Geoffrey Rush portraying him as an older man. As to a younger Lewis, there’s not many names I can throw out there right now, but it has to be someone British.
I dnt have a facebook..if i did i would like it straight away…i do apologise for it though….and the film of C.S Lewis sounds exciting…are they releasing it in theaters..hopefully…and since there is a picture of Aslan opposite to the author…is the film also about Lewis’s infleunces on the series…that would be interesting to know..after learning that 4 children came into his home during the war..that was exciting…so yh thanxs for this update David 😉
Any ideas or suggestions as to who they would cast as Lewis? I just watched The King’s Speech, and when I saw this article I thought of Geoffrey Rush portraying him as an older man. As to a younger Lewis, there’s not many names I can throw out there right now, but it has to be someone British.
I dnt have a facebook..if i did i would like it straight away…i do apologise for it though….and the film of C.S Lewis sounds exciting…are they releasing it in theaters..hopefully…and since there is a picture of Aslan opposite to the author…is the film also about Lewis’s infleunces on the series…that would be interesting to know..after learning that 4 children came into his home during the war..that was exciting…so yh thanxs for this update David 😉