Today is the first day that you can pre-order The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on your choice of Blu-ray or Two-Disc DVD. There is no release date listed on either page, but it is rumored to be coming out either the very end of March or early to mid-April. The dates that I am hearing are March 30, April 6 and April 13.
The listings also don’t have any special features listed, so stay tuned for those when the official release announcement comes. It looks like that announcement could happen pretty shortly, as retailers are generally alerted with enough time in advance to plan out orders.
Using the links below to order the movie helps to support this website, so if you go there, with it, feel free to bookmark the link and use them if you decide to order the movie through Amazon. Plus, if Amazon drops the price of the movie before it is released, the cost to you will be less. I’ve even been refunded a couple of dollars a few days after a movie was released before. You will only be charged when the movie is shipped.
Here are the listings on Amazon:
Order The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on Blu-ray (Amazon.com)
Order The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on Two-Disc DVD (Amazon.com)
For fans in the UK, Amazon.co.uk lists the film as releasing onto Blu-ray and DVD on April 16:
Order The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on Blu-ray (Amazon.co.uk)
Order The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on Two-Disc DVD (Amazon.co.uk)
I just sqweeled X)
Im in Brazil so… i can buy it?
Oh wait forget it just read on aslans country in brazil will be march 30, and im lucky as my birthday is march 31th!!!
lol thats awesome!
We pre-ordered it today, and we also bought the soundtrack!
Hmm, what interests me is that both of them show the running time to be 113 minutes, meaning that neither of them is an Extended Edition. I hope they announce the EE (if there is one) soon!
They might have deleted scenes.
OOOOO! I will have to buy it when I get the money!!! I can’t wait to see the special features…although I kinda saw a ton the past two or three years of waiting for the movie and looking here every day!
Will there be any like name drawing thing to maybe with the two disk set? That would be so cool!
I will hold for an extended edition if i know there is going to be one, even though the second discs of the previous two Narnia’s were both really good, it’s ultimately the movie that counts. But not knowing, i will buy the two disc version rather than hold my breath and will not be able to get an extended if one is done.
I would also nearly pay double the price for an extended edition, and probably that is common for fans of anticipated movies on dvd, but once you have a version – that is lost.
The previous two disc versions of the Narnia films have both been really good in content, and i’ll be happy with that for Dawn Treader though, even though an extended for the structure of the film would probably have added alot more resonances for the adaptation. But the essence of the story and production of it ‘as is’, is as good as the previous two trips to Narnia in which though we’ll all have favourites, having all three films in dvd only enhances their mutual Narnia overall effect.
In a franchise, dvd is really important not just for profitability of that film, but for it’s intangible marketing which could not be underestimated in seeing through the success of a next film. For perhaps one of the biggest examples of this, the Matrix, which while successful in cinemas, on dvd release created a market allowing for a massively successful trilogy Juggernaut (even if story got a bit perplexing & not normally what would have initially seen by such a big audience).
Having three Narnia titles on dvd that havn’t short changed each other as creative works, is alot more powerful in this department now, for a person will only have to pick up one of the films, enjoy it, & see that there are two others to watch. The variations of episode works/creativity get buffered by an overall multiplier Narnia effect now and able to be enjoyed more than if just standalone and not totally the person’s sensibilities if there had been just the one (or even two) movie episodes.
Off-Topic question, but, when I saw the film, Aslan seemed… as not as big as he was in PC. Lucy was bigger than him. Anyone else noticed this? Or maybe I’m just seeing things…
Georgie Henley has grown taller, however, when she hugs him, he’s as tall as she is. There’s also perspective of the camera angles.
Did Aslan change at all between the Disney movies and VDT? I have been to see VDT twice, but I was not really paying attention then.
Nope, it was the same Aslan.
Oh, ok. Because I really thought that he was a little less big. Lucy was bigger than him in the last part o.o
I really thought aslan looked different! Look at these pictures on how aslan looks different!There isn’t too much of a difference but I can see one. http://forum.narniaweb.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1443&start=0
Thanks. I always thought that they could have done Aslan a tad bigger…but really, I think that he was perfect other than that. In the books Lewis said that he was like the size of an elephant…but that may have been from Lucy’s eyes. And she was really small. Maybe he was just looking at it through her eyes.
haha! The aslan I like the most is the one in PC because it almost looks exactly like the aslan in LWW and his eyes in that one look so much better!
I agree, Patrick. His eyes were really good. When the children are leaving and it showed Aslan’s face close up, the detail was real…and he looked different from other lions, his eyes really did make him look like he could talk! I think the special effects were great in PC…all of them, but PC the most when it comes to Aslan.
Aslan was changed in every film, but after all he’s a giant golden lion with similar facial features and the same voice. It works. The biggest change was probably from LWW and PC, when they took away his “Egyptian eyes”.
I kinda liked the “Egyptian eyes”. 😉 I thought he looked…”pretty”? Can I say that about Aslan? lol.
haha I would certainly say so!
Ok Good! LOL! Thanks. 😉
on http://www.amazon.co.uk it is saying that the release date for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is 18th April 2011 🙂
AAAAH, I saw the movie again, the second time… and you were right, it’s better the second time. I… I… I WANNA CRY 🙁 I’m so sad I can’t edit my review, I’d put it a 5/5 now *cries*
Hey, if you want, I might be able to make a special edit on your behalf. Just let me know what you want to do. You can even resubmit with a different e-mail address and I can go in and move everything over to your original review location.
wow, thank you very much 🙂 I’ll send another review with a different e-mail (daciokposuper_@hotmail.com)
Thnak you again!
https://narniafans.com/vdt_reviews/review.php?id=521 (updated)
No 3 disc special edition, digital copy???!!??
They haven’t formally announced anything yet.
If you look on Amazon’s preorder page for the Blu-Ray Edition, you’ll see on the cover it says
“Blu-Ray – DVD – Digital Copy”
Thank you very much Paul!
Apted Is An idiot He Changed Aslan So Much In VODT The Aslan Looked Best In The PC Through The Wonderful Vision Of Director Andrew Adamson In PC Aslan Looked Like A Golden Divine Lion Which He Is But IN VODT That Thing Was Absent.
Not only is that a run-on sentence, but it’s also pretty incoherent.
Aslan looks absolutely no different than he has in prior films. He was re-built at least once because of advances in technology, but those changes were improvements in fur and muscles.
Do you all want to know what the biggest change is?
Atmosphere. Whatever Aslan is surrounded by, the lighting and coloring of the environment that he appears in has an effect on the scenes in which he appears. When you line up the pictures side by side and look at only Aslan, you’re doing yourself a disservice, because the lighting in the scene is completely different, made to match the environment. Have you ever noticed how different clothing looks in a clothing store than it does when you get into natural light? This is because lighting effects how you feel about something on a psychological level. The facts in this case are simple: In LWW, people are comparing the Aslan when he first walks out to the other Aslans from other movies. To be fair, what you would need to do is take a look at the CG models on a gray background with no lighting added.
No amount of evidence anyone has provided, including side by side shots, have shown me that Aslan is very different, if at all.
Remember, in Prince Caspian he appeared in a beautiful forest, and then again at the end of the film he looked rather plain. This is because he was made to look more mystical when he was appearing with Lucy. A soft glow was added to him.
In Dawn Treader, he appears surrounded by darkness in the mirror, and then on the small island and again at the ends of the world. He looks absolutely stunning in all three places.
I guess that makes sense… I think you need to cool down Sachin! I didn’t like this movie as much as the others but it was still great considering the director change, the music change, and the money they had to put into this with a lower budget! I think that Adamson could’ve done a better job, I mean I remember before VOTDT came out I think there was an article about how Apted hadn’t work with children/children movies before! I am partly disappointed about this movie, when I stood up when the movie ended I was contented and thought the movie deserved a 80% out of a 100% but then my brother looked at me and said I did not like it, and also most of my friends thought the ~green mist~/Believe in yourself message was cheesy. That made my rating go down to 70% about! I can’t wait to see it again and hopefully it will seem a lot better then
thank you paul!!! totally agree. he has stayed the same, yet what with lighting and etc like you said, they make it so that each time you see him it is breathtaking. it never becomes commonplace. it is always “woooow. there he is again.”
Ya actualizaron el box office mojo y VDT tiene hasta ahora $366,416,000.
$100 million domestically has been achieved! I’m surprised http://www.NarniaFans.com didn’t provide another box office update.
We’re going to this evening. Things got crazy today, and I’ve been busy working on a ton of videos for work.
may i ask what you do that it involves videos?
I co-own a company called ProTrainings. We do different health and medical trainings online.
yeah loved watching in theaters can’t wait 2 own it