NarniaFans.com has recently joined the social network Foursquare. FourSquare is a location based social network that is growing in popularity. People can use FourSquare to share their location with friends. People can now follow NarniaFans.com on FourSquare to receive tips about C.S. Lewis or Narnia locations nearby. NarniaFans currently has over 70 tips at C.S. Lewis related locations around the world. If there are Narnia or C.S. Lewis locations nearby you that we have not listed please comment on this article to suggest new locations for our page to promote. You can visit the NarniaFans FourSquare page at http://www.foursquare.com/NarniaFans Currently the two most popular tips are:
Journey Into Narnia: Prince Caspian
This attraction was originally designed around Disney’s 2005 film The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The attraction was later updated for The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.
Arizona Science Center
In June through October 2008 the Arizona Science Center was the first location to host The Chronicles of Narnia: The Exhibition
Continue reading to learn more about the FourSquare social network.
FourSquare is a location based social network for sharing your location with friends. It is part website and part smartphone app. To download the free FourSquare app for the iPhone click here. Users can use the GPS in their phone to detect nearby locations. Using the app you will be able to “Check In” to these venues. Your check ins are automatically shared with your FourSquare friends, but you can also optionally share them with Facebook and Twitter as well. FourSquare also has a game element as you check in you can unlock badges (custom Narnia themed badges are coming soon). The person who checks into a venue the most times in 60 days becomes the mayor of the venue. Foursquare is a fun social network for sharing locations, but the most important reason to join FourSquare is that you can get free food. Businesses can partner with FourSquare to offer free specials for FourSquare users who check in to their venue. Arbys offers free desert for FourSquare users and a 50% off discount for the mayor, Chili’s offers free chips and salsa for FourSquare members, Famous Dave’s BBQ will give you a free desert when you check in to their restaurant, and you can also get discounts at stores like Office Depot and Sports Authority.
Businesses can use FourSquare to connect with loyal customers who check in through FourSquare by viewing detailed information about customer trends and most popular times of day. Business owners can also offer specials to promote their venue, reward loyal customers, and attract new ones. FourSquare is free for both businesses and users. To sign up for free today visit http://Join.4sq.com/NarniaExpert
Very cool. Didn’t even know this existed!
“NarniaFans currently has over 70 tips at C.S. Lewis retaliated locations around the world.” Um, don’t you mean “C.S. Lewis RELATED?” =) lol
most interesting movie i have ever seen……….
but in 2nd part the role of aslan is very minimum
There is a “Narnia, The Musical” play going on in my town this weekend.
it’s great this page and I love chronicles of narnia!!! 🙂
Any word on when the badges will come out?!
We’re still waiting to hear back from Foursquare. SXSW is happening soon, and they’re probably busy preparing for that at the moment.