Have Fox and Walden Media begun talking about The Silver Chair?

I was reading a Box Office Report on the state of both The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and Gulliver’s Travels.  In the midst of the report is a quote from someone at Fox, leading me to believe the author must have gathered a lot of information that he did not write about.  However, the report was quite clear on one thing:

It might have appeared that Dawn Treader was just another 3-D title (repping 58% of its U.S. total) in a crowded PG season, but moviegoers told their friends otherwise. To date, Dawn Treader has made $102 million at the domestic B.O. – a number that Warner Bros.’ pop toon Yogi Bear ($93 million) has yet to hit. Such good news has spurred talks between Fox and Walden Media about bringing the fourth C.S. Lewis book The Silver Chair to the screen. Clearly, audiences burnt by a weak second Narnia entry were brought back to the cinemas by upbeat word-of-mouth. But three Narnia titles are stronger than the rest of the seven-book series: the first, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, the third, The Voyage of the Dawn Trader, and the sixth, The Magician’s Nephew, which is actually an origin story. The other four are far weaker, including Prince Caspian, The Silver Chair, standalone A Horse and His Boy and The Last Battle, which concludes the narrative.

When Dawn Treader broke $100 million domestic, it managed a feat that we can all agree is quite remarkable, considering the opening weekend gross of $24.3 million.  It has also topped the global box office of Tron: Legacy: $373 million vs. $363 million.  Not only that, but it is about to top Prince Caspian’s foreign total of $278 million.  This leads to the good news that “has spurred talks between Fox and Walden Media about bringing the fourth C.S. Lewis book The Silver Chair to the screen.”

“The second [Narnia] film left a less-than-satisfied flavor in the audiences, and Treader marked a return to the spirit of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” observed Fox senior VP of distribution Chris Aronson, about the masses’ desire to climb aboard. “Dawn Treader provided more heart and a whimsical sense of adventure.”

The article goes on to analyze the marketing as well as the box office prospects that the film held.  There have been 14 December releases that opened between $20 and $26 million, and five failed to make it past $100 million.

However, Fox knew that the foreign market would be the best patrons to the film.  The foreign box office currently stands at $273 million.

“We did a lot of research before releasing this film and learned that audiences didn’t like the second film because it lacked the magic, mystery and adventure of the first film,” says Fox International co-president Paul Hanneman, “When it came to marketing Dawn Treader, it was these qualities that we emphasized.”

The promotion overseas was also different than in America, which may have lead to a larger American box office, had they done a second form of marketing.  Personally, I think the film could have used some major merchandising including Happy Meals, Action Figures, Lego sets and video games.  Think about it: a Dragon, a Sea Serpent, a Dragon Ship, Dufflepuds… the toys would have been quite unique for this film, when compared to those for Prince Caspian.

Here’s how Fox handled marketing in the foreign markets:

Rather than capitalize on the Narnia brand in a universal campaign, Fox International tailored a country-by-country secular promotion, unlike the U.S.’s Christian focus.  Fox tapped the Christian niche where appropriate, hosting screenings for Evangelical Christians in South Africa and conducted grassroots efforts in Latin America. “Voyage” became the central message in Dawn Treader’s ads; a character action collage à la Lord of the Rings repped the key outdoor/print images in many territories over Aslan the Lion, which was the signature U.S. hook.

Clearly, the overseas marketing worked wonders for the film, bringing in people in droves.  That, and repeat business and word of mouth has helped Dawn Treader in every country.  The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has now made FOUR TIMES the opening weekend box office in total.  It’s not quite finished its theatrical run, and is just now starting to show up in second run theaters.  Though that won’t bring in a lot of box office, as tickets can run between $1 and $4 per ticket, the film is still one of the few around for families to see.

Either way, I’ve made a phone call to see if I can gather some more information about the talks that are apparently happening with regard to The Silver Chair.  I will keep you posted!  I do hope that it is true!

-via Thompson on Hollywood


    • I can’t wait either!

      @Paul- I have been able to confirm that talks are in the works, but I don’t know much more than that- I’m getting an official statement sometime this week. I’ll keep you posted on that,.. in the meantime, let us know what happened in that phone call! 😉

      • I know I always dreamed of that! I was reading this post to my bro and he’s like they NEED to make narnia lego sets, I know all my friends would buy them! That would get them lotso money!

  1. Great news. They do, however need a much better marketing team next go-round. The trailers for VoTD were (in my opinion) very weak and had little-to-no focus on Reepicheep and Eustace (the two best characters in the film).

    Also, let’s hope they bring in the great Doug Jones (“Hellboy,” “Pan’s Labyrinth,” etc.) in as Puddleglum. He’s already even expressed interest in the part.

    • Doug Jones wrote this on his facebook:
      My Oh My, how I loved that NARNIA 3! I am now inspired to campaign for a role in NARNIA 4. Apparently, I wasn’t the first to think of this, as some nice IMDb list includes me in the very role I’d love to play. If you know The Silver Chair story, have a look and tell me if you’d agree??

      I agree, he would be great in the role.

      • Thomas Brodie-Sangster looks WAY too young for Prince Rillian.
        Read the book. He knows how to ride a horse and use a sword, among other things.

        • OMG, looks like Doug Jones has a good line up this year and next (including hobbit part II) I haven’t seen him act so I don’t know if he would be good.

        • hey Thomas Brodie-Sangster is almost 20 years old…not too old to play rilian…and Dakota Blue Richards would be great as JIll …who else agrees or disagrees lol…well she does have that nature i guess….and doug jones is wat i would think of puddleglum..the skinnyness….the style and the comedy side of him too…hmmm wonder wat the confirm list is though!!!!

      • I’ve never heard of this guy, and it’s great he’s enthusiastic about being Puddleglum. I suppose he’d be okay for the role. This wasn’t my idea, so I can’t take credit for it, but someone of Narniaweb suggested Rowan Atkinson for the role. I personally think he’d be PERFECT for the part! Puddlleglum is, if you think about it, quite comical, but in a serious way with a straight face. I believe Rowan Atkinson would pull it off very well. 😀

  2. Yay!!!! Yes this is very exciting. It is the first good news about Silver Chair we’ve heard in a while!! 🙂

  3. America needed far more marketing. If SC does get green lit, 20th Century Fox, DO SOME DECENT MARKETING HERE! A few posters and TV Spots aren’t going to want to make people go to a film. I’ve even read reports that Narnia fans told friends that a new Narnia was coming out and the friends didn’t even know due to poor US marketing! No wonder it’s underperformed here!
    Anyway, let me know if centaur auditions open.

      • Are you confusing centaur with minotaur? I don’t think the centaurs overall are too hairy. Maybe the prosthetic make up would get a little uncomfortable at times, but I don’t think too much hair would be added.

  4. Can’t help but think it’s a choice between SC (which is a dedicated fan fav amongst more hardcore Narnians) & that ending up being the final film at quality of previous trilogy; or MN in keeping wider spread interest alive or growing for the complete Narnia chronicles since in relation to previous two MN is potentially a newer ground to cover in Narnia story telling.

    Silver Chair now could erroneously sort of cast type the Narnia Chronicles to wider audiences.

    • I agree with you on THAT:but I don’t get why the other books in the series were less favored to be movies:I’ve imagined it all into the big screen and it was great :)) but I DO HOPE that they WILL finish this series as a whole:not selectively because of what they think the audience impact would be
      and another point:more Narnia toys REALLY wouldn’t hurt now, would it?my sister wants all the weapons they use and you can’t really find any on the net or anywhere:she LOVES the weapons the kids use so much

      • It really comes down to book sales as well as reader polls. Over the years, certain Narnia books have been the favorites and had higher sales than others. Unfortunately, not everyone reads every Narnia book. However, the books kind of lend themselves to that, as they are vastly different from each other.

        Also, film-making is a bottom-line business. The people making the movies do love to make movies, which is why they do it, and they would love to make all seven of the books into movies. The other side of that coin, however, is that they must provide a profit. Studios have investors, and investors want growth. The investors are looking for their investment to pay-off higher than they put their money in for, or they will take their money elsewhere, where it can pay off for them. So they’re always looking for the project that will make the most money, period.

        That’s just how the world works. Do I want to see all seven finished, though? Yes I do. I am hopeful that they’ll do The Silver Chair, because I’d like to replace the BBC version on my shelf, and also because Will Poulter isn’t getting any younger. I’m also hopeful that they’ll do the other three, because it’ll be the first time that we get to see those books come to life.

      • skandargirl_95- I am on the same boat as your sister there; the Pevensie’s weapons are AMAZING! and I’ve been searching for them in stores and online since the first movie came out. You can actually buy Peter’s sword full size as a toy or there is an actual full sized prop replica available. His shield is also available in full size and detail in plastic or a lesser movie look alike that is made out of metal. When the LWW was out in theaters Lucy’s dagger and cordial were available in toy form and they surprisingly have every little detail as the actual props, except they’re a little larger. Susan’s horn was available in a full size prop replica for a limited time on noblecollection.com, but as to her bow, arrows, and quiver they are unfortunately available only in the scaled versions. The bow is my all time favorite of all the weaponry so I went ahead and made one myself that looks pretty good but I plan on remaking it because I am not really 100% satisfied with it. I was reeeaaally hoping that they would come out with some sort of full scaled replicas or toys of the weapons (including the bow since Lucy used it in VDT) since they were all kind of a big deal/part of all 3 movies, but they didn’t. I couldnt’ even find a movie poster for VDT which was kind of annoying cus it was really good and the movie had tons of perfect things that they could have made into products (as many people have stated on here). Hopefully SC will have better marketing.

        • bought all the VDT, LWW and PC movie posters off Amazon. Just thought i’d let you know. 🙂

        • THEY DID???aww man!!that’s probably what I get for living in this other side of the world… 😛 but thanks for the heads up though!PRAYING there still are in stock so she could by it and I could play with it :))

        • If you are looking for movie posters, I would suggest asking at your local movie theatre. My Mother works at ours, and she got me 3 different VDT movie posters, because they were going to throw them away. They might have gotten rid of them, but there’s nothing wrong with asking, right? good luck! 🙂

  5. If they make SC, I actually hope they bring back Andrew Adamson. I feel that book/movie requires his touch.

    And what I find funny about that article was the comparision about PC to VDT – people not going to see PC b/c it lacked magic and such. At least for my local cinema, it was quite the opposite. When I went to ses PC, the lobby was filled and so was the theater, but it was the COMPLETE opposite for VDT. Quite odd really.


    “We did a lot of research before releasing this film and learned that audiences didn’t like the second film because it lacked the magic, mystery and adventure of the first film,”

    U KIDDING ME??!! When I was in the Cinema, seeing the movie, I just wanted to scream “OMG” “WATCH OUT” “MEGA-AWESOME”, and I wanted to cry at the end. I never liked a film as I liked Narnia 2. What with the “it lacked the magic”? It didn’t. Just because there were humans in Narnia that doesn’t mean there was not magic in the movie: Susan’s Horn, the creatures, the talking beasts, the White Witch (I WANTED TO DIE, THAT PART OMG SO AWESOME), the river god, the trees… and obviously, Aslan (when he appeared I wanted to scream “OMG OMG ASLAN, EVERYONE, SEE???!!!! ASLAN!!!! AAAH!). I’m serious xd
    But I can’t believe that they said it lacked of myterious e-e. Everytime, when you were seeing the film, Aslan was not there in almost the entire film. “What happened to him?” “Where is he?” “Will they find him?”. SO much suspense!, specially during the battle! OMG, my heart was going to explode at that part!!! I’m not lying o_o. And when he appeared… BOOM! And what about the white witch part? Even the beggining was so mystrious! (the part with the prof. with that rare costume (That scared me o_o)
    They said it lacked of adventure… I won’t say anything bacause I know it’s now allowed here e-e

    Anyways, hopefully, they’ll make SC! That’s the only book I didn’t read. If they make SC and MN movies… they won’t be really good IN MY OPINION.

    That’s all… bye!

    • I know what you mean! when I saw that post I was just like WHATTTT! I know people said it was too dark but I or other people didn’t think it lacked magic!

    • I completely agree with you 100%!!!!!! (the part about Prince Caspian. SC and MN should be good too.)

    • The big issue with most people who had read the book was that they were very disappointed with the way the movie departed from the book, thematically and story-wise. Another big disappointment was the way Peter was sooo much less kind and heroic. To be honest, he was kind of a *cough* jerk. *cough* It was as if he had forgotten everything he had learned from living in Narnia for 15 years. Also, lots of people didn’t like the Susan/Caspian romance thing.

      Personally, I still can’t decide if I like PC or not. It’s okay, but there are parts I really want to change.

      • It’s funny, because when you said “it was as if he had forgotten everything he had learned from living in Narnia,” I thought the same way about Peter from the BOOK. When I read it for the first time, I was wondering what happened to the lessons from the Professor about logic and listening to Lucy, who would never lie. Personally, I felt Lewis just wanted to teach something new, but I was too distracted by the fact that he was so out-of-character, from the one that would have learned that he should listen to Lucy… and in fact had been more than willing to listen to Lucy the first time out. What had changed since then?

        • I think Peter felt like he was finally somewhere where he could be in charge again and didn’t want to listen to something that went against what he thought was the right way.

        • Hmmm… good point there, Paul. I like it. 🙂

          Personally, I do love the character transformation that Peter goes through in the movie. I just wish that he wasn’t so annoying at the beginning, because it’s hard to empathize with him.

        • I had mixed feelings about PC. I read all the books as a kid, and loved every single one of them but of the books, LWW, PC, VDT, and HB were probably my favorites. I was so thrilled with the adaptation of LWW, and when I heard about PC I was stoked.

          The first time I saw PC, my initial gut reaction was what the heck did they do? But then I thought about it more and went to see it a second time, and I realized exactly what they did and why. What Andrew Adamson was trying to do was to show Peter’s frustration at having been a King and an adult, then suddenly finding himself a child again and being treated like one. Then, upon the return to Narnia and finding everything he remembered and loved had been all but lost or destroyed, Peter lashed out, frustrated and angry – just like a 16 year old would.

          All in all, I have to say that PC grew on me. It just took me a little while to figure out what the director was going for, and I think, all in all, it improves the story, because I do think that someone like the Peter from the books might have reacted in exactly that way. I understand what Lewis was trying to get across, but I don’t think the calm, mature acceptance was exactly realistic.
          I actually enjoyed the night raid. The one area of the PC book I was somewhat disappointed in was the lack of suspense/action. True, it was a departure from the book, but it was an awesome way to make Peter realize what a jerk he was being, and that he needed to start acting like the High King again.

    • Hey , you do know that this story is true right, like there is a story within it that is. And I mean, come on magic? That is disney talking, it isn’t magic.

      Why does everone think it is magic, can’t you just belive. Lucy does in the book, hello!!!

      I don’t mean to affend you but , that is just plain wrong.

  7. I’m about to faint in delight. xD It seems that everything I have hoped and prayed for in the last months is coming true. =)

  8. Oops, sorry:

    *..they said it lacked of mystery

    not mysterious, sorry xd

    Anyways, I didn’t read SC, so… do you guys liked that book? Would it be good as a movie?

    • Read SC coz well for alot of reasons lol…it continues the story about caspian and lilliandil….and the adventures are great…alot of mystery in my opinion and suspense…in a good way…and it helps u understand more about the characters like eustrace…caspain esp and theres comedy in it too so yh….i think this film would be easier to make coz well not too much effects like VDT…but it will need shooting locations….and yh…hope u enjoy it 😉

      • it will be great as a movie coz theres great scenes and locations in this book….and theres nice characters..new villian so yh it will be great to hav a new villian for a change …wat do u think????

        • Yeah, I know the hisroty about caspian and liliandil, and Rilian, hehe. Thanks!

          And yeah, the villian sounds cool (The lady of the green…. err… can’t remember xd). But am I, or they destroy her really fast? D=

          • I know wat u mean…the villian only appears in SC so yh….but shes in throughout the whole book so yh…at the end is the clamix…lol wnt say more…dnt want to ruin the plot for u…hehe…but yh it would be a great film to watch…theres dark scenes in it…but they are still cool scenes so yh hehehehe….No worries btw!!!

          • I think, if they approach it the right way, SC could be a brilliant movie. There’s a new villain, which will be a nice change. I love Tilda Swinton as the White Witch, but there comes a point when all bad guys have to die. But with Edmund gone from Narnia, there won’t be any need to bring her back. I feel like they dragged it out a bit too much by putting her in VDT – I liked it, but it was sort of unnecessary. There’s other new characters too…Jill, Puddleglum, Rilian, etc.

            Of all the movies left to be filmed, the one I am most concerned about is probably Magician’s Nephew, mainly because it is an origin story. Before VDT I would have said I was most concerned about VDT because of its episodic nature, but now I’m thinking that Magician’s Nephew is in the most jeopardy. I know its one of the more popular in the series, but Hollywood has a really bad track record with origin stories. What’s easy to convey in a book is very hard to show on film sometimes – and how exactly are they going to show the concept of Aslan singing Narnia into being? For some reason I can’t picture Liam Neeson singing – but I think he’s brilliant as Aslan, or rather, Aslan’s voice.

            But yes, I think Will Poulter would be great if he repeats Eustace, and I think the story of SC is solid enough to make a good fantasy film, especially if they get the right actors for Puddleglum, Jill, Rilian, and the Green Lady.

  9. I really hope they do Silver Chair! I adore it insanely! VDT didn’t do too badly, and a TON more people know about VDT now, which will help SC. No one I talked to except dedicated fans even knew what Prince Caspian was, and refused to see the movie until they saw that one…
    I honestly think Silver Chair has a better plot, as well. It’s more linear, easier to turn into a film, and has a solid villain, set of good guys, and it’s a quest type of movie already – they don’t have to add anything!
    Not to mention that they already included the green mist bit in VDT… As much as I love MN, completely ignoring that and going to MN would be a huge mistake!!!
    Lastly, I did like Prince Caspian a ton. It was a GREAT movie, it was what introduced me to Narnia in the first place. It just wasn’t EXACTLY Narnian and there were a few errors here and there. VDT did seem more magical though, I have to admit =).

  10. Well, IMDB lists The Silver Chair as “In Developement” but I don’t know how accurate the information is.

      • When a movie is locked, and complete, all of the data comes from the studios. When a movie is only a rumor, and casting is rumored, they do as much fact checking as they can, but they can’t check everything. Can you imagine checking facts on every Movie, TV show and Video Game, world-wide? This is why there are inaccuracies.

  11. I do feel that Prince Caspian lacked some of the magic that made LWW so epic. It was much more a war film than a story of the wonder of Narnia. The fact that the countryside seemed so empty and lonely struck me, particularly (the dryads had all gone to sleep, etc). It could almost have been any wilderness, albeit a pretty one, until they found the Old Narnians. Dawn Treader returned to that sweeping landscape, and I think that’s what has helped it.

    I want Guy Henry for Puddleglum, but I agree that Doug Jones has the look. No set opinions on Jill though!

    • I think PC didn’t win as much money as LWW because… well, maybe when the people saw the advertisements of LWW they loved them, so TONS AND TONS of people went to the cinema, and maybe, when they saw it, they were a little bit… disappointed. 3 or 2 years later (wow, 3 years xD), when PC came, they didn’t go to the cinema because they didn’t like the first movie… that’s just my insane opinion xD I’m not saying that the first movie was horrible, I loved it, but PC was COMPLETLY MEGA-AWESOME, and that one is still my favourite movie IN THE WORLD

      By they way, 100% OT question… About the last book… Does anyone know the new name of father time? I think he is God but… not very possible. Thanks!

      • It’s funny you should have that theory, because lots of people believe the opposite: everyone loved LWW, then when PC came out they were disappointed for a number of reasons (it wasn’t like the book, thematically there wasn’t too much Christian stuff in there, Susan/Caspian ronance, etc.), and spread this news to all their friends. When VDT came along, many people didn’t want to see it because they were so disappointed in PC, so the earnings took a bit of a beating. Then word of mouth spread the news that it was a great movie, and many more people went to see it.
        I was personally rather disappointed in PC because it was more of a ‘teen heart throb’ movie than a Narnian one, but it was enjoyable enough, I suppose, and I’m glad you liked it. I also have a serious issue with Ben Barnes- he’s just not Caspian for me.
        As for your off-topic question, I have no idea what the new name of father time would be. In my opinion, he’s definitely not God (I mean, he’s been asleep underground for eons)… but I don’t really have any clue. 😀

        • Hmmm for Caspian you could also say that it was too much of a Christian type undertone forming the unifying plot in the movie that has caused some confusion for some sections of it’s market in being able to ‘get’ PC’s full adaptation, and when missed all that is seen was a plot about battles or changes from a book.

          But for the whole chronicles to have longevity on dvd type formats outside a more hardcore book fanbase, there needed to be one or two PC type film adaptations, the other candidate for such a relatively dense episode being ‘Horse & His Boy’ i think. For longevity there needs to be one or two adaptations that provides for a more specialised or cult fanbase following of film adaptations, like for example ‘the empire strikes back’ & ‘attack of the clones’ provides for the star wars series movies.

          It’s debatable whether VODT slow build to $400 is on back of a film that made similar money which few liked. The one thing you can say for certain is that in different perspectives on the films, the one consistency has been a strong fanbase turning out for the cinema runs in ways that have been at odds with expectations, for PC all at once when expected long term hold overs & for VODT the opposite situation. Could mean that there’s room for growth in the chronicles too.

        • PC was great also considering that it had some parts hard to adapt into a movie, but said, it lost much of it’s depth and themes looking at it from a spiritual perspective. Also Suspian was annoying and I agree with you on all those things..
          In VDT, the green mist was put in to connect to SC, I guess as a revenge on Caspian for defeating the evils on dark island, though I don’t prefer it at all. Anyway, I hope they’ll make SC and Certainly want flashbacks..WOW…I think Barnes is fine,not so much for PC but for VDT..
          I sincerely hope and pray that God will reveal the truth to all the cast ,crew and the fans, because it’s too bad to think that they’ll go to hell ignoring the fact that Jesus died to save them..

      • Well I can say that Father Time is definitely NOT God. If anyone is, it’d be Aslan. I think that Time’s new name might be eternity. Time is ending with Narnia, you see.

          • I would think that if the Emperor-Over-The-Sea is the equivalent of God, and Aslan is the equivalent of Jesus, the logical choice for the Holy Spirit would be the Deep Magic/Deeper Magic that was mentioned in LWW and allowed Aslan to be resurrected as a result of his sacrifice.

  12. So Dawn Treader has finally set sail in the public eye. I think Silver Chair is probably now 90% ready to be adapted after the excellent news we’re seeing. I agree more marketing is needed. They need some well known actors in it, not that well known like Angelina Jolie, but someone on the brim like James McAvoy was when he played Mr. Tumnus.

  13. hmmm so does that mean VDT is doin well and that Fox and Walden Media are happy with the results?????????????????

    • Are you sure they retained the rights for the whole series? Isn’t it possible those rights extended only to LWW, and not beyond? They did nothing for Caspian or Treader, and both had great possible sets… Dawn Treader even greater. MEGA Brands also had the rights to Pirates of the Caribbean, and LEGO Pirates is coming out this spring/summer.

      • hmmm I guess that could be, I was dissapointed that Lego didn’t do LWW but ya, why didn’t they do PC and VDT? those would have been awesome. They could have made the Dawn Treader ship 🙂
        I have a problem with how few products Narnia has had, I wasn’t a fan until LWW came out, which i know had quite a bit of stuff, but I’ve seen very little for PC and nothing for VDT.

  14. I’m glad Fox is now doing the series. Disney is too greedy and needs too much money to be satisfied. Now that Fox is doing it they think this is a good amount:D which it is, over-seas. Too bad americans are too busy bringing their kids to porn movies.

      • I know. Americans are getting too involved in action stuff. They no longer appreciate good writing or graphics. As long as somethings flying around they think it has good graphics. And as long as a bomb explodes it makes it exciting. Where have real movies gone!

        • you mean” they” THINK we dont appeciate good writing- it’s hollywood doing the dumbing down-

          • Yes, that’s what i mean. but lots more people like it that you think. People no longer know what “good” is, they never see it.

      • The Lord of the Rings… an example of what happens when you leave Hollywood out of the picture. Beautiful.

        When you have Hollywood, you get action films with lame stories, and sappy (or likely inappropriate) love films that have a bad storyline to them.

        There are few films they made that were really good.

        • And the one’s that are amazing movies without the crazy action or romance don’t have a high enough budget to get advertisement! Try watching the movies: Rust and Twisted… Rust is a christian movie made in 2010 that barely anyone heard about, but its awesome. Twisted was an older fashion movie (also made in 2010) that is a slower but awesome movie…

        • I am guessing you are talking about twilight or PC???? Most likely PC…(besides I hate…opps…lets not go there!)

  15. I have to say I disagree with PC being weak. In my opinion it is the best one of the lot!! But anyway… here’s to Silver Chair…!! maybe??

  16. Didn’t like Prince Caspian? I loved it!
    And I agree, they needed more merchandising. Dawn Treader got no build up. Don’t tell me no-one else besided me would’ve been tempted by a toy “Eustage as Dragon” action figure!
    Bring on Silver Chair and a few action figures along with it. Puddleglum anyone? How about the owl?

    • I know…I really want a eustace/Dragon toy! and for silver chair we could have Eustace, Jill, Puddleglum, LoTGK, Glimfeather and ever Aslan (Despite his extremely short appearence) Bring it on!

    • I agree!!!!I think even if I saved up for something else, I would TOTALLY buy that!!too bad I didn’t get to buy the Narnian version of monopoly:it’s only vailable online :(( but I WILL BUY THAT!!I SWEAR!!!

    • they had toys , a calendar, a pen, stationary,etc. through a resaurant in france- look at narniafrance website. also a movie companion book in britain

      • THEY DID????great,that ruined my day:they stole my dream!MOMMY!!!!!!I wanted to put up a Narnia-themed restaurant myself… 🙁

  17. Treader is at $376M on the two online movie gross sites i look at. but both also do not include China, Japan and Venezuela takes. I cannot believe it wont make a combine take of $50M from all 3 areas combined. easy. china made $6.3M opening.


    so thats up to $382.3M. I think i read Japan made $50M on PC. soooooo……

    i had predicted $450M final movie gross. this movie cost less to produce. there u go.

  18. My Gosh! This is the best news I’ve heared in ages!!! I love this book the best out of all of the Narnia series and seeing it come to life would be amazing! Otherwise dawn treader might very well be the end of the films 🙁

  19. I want a pretty stuffed animal of aslan, reepicheep, the dragon, the beavers. mister tummus, the minotaur, centaur, and all talking animals!!!!!!

    and narnia 4!!!!!!° we stil have faith

  20. I agree.. The marketing thing here in the states was NOT enough.. I didnt even see any merchandise being sold…. I would have LOVED to buy Posters,Bags and even t-shirts… They need to make more and SELL IT!!! 😀 I hope this next movie works out! <3 Lyda

    • Wow, Wow, Wow. There is alot of people who like the SILVER CHAIR!!!!!!!! I Am so excited!!!!(Scream of excitment!)

  21. I hate to dump cold water on the party, but there’s a LOT of spinning going on in that article. Dawn Treader has not been a big success. It barely limped over the $100 mil mark in the US, despite the fact that it benefited from inflated 3D ticket prices. In other words, attendance for the film was way down compared to Prince Caspian. This holds true internationally as well, where both films have grossed the same amount of money, not factoring higher 3D tickets.

    The one thing in Dawn Treader’s favor is that it cost far less than Prince Caspian to make, so it will still make money. But if they do decide to make another Narnia film, bet on it being another modestly budgeted film, which in my opinion really hurt Dawn Treader. I certainly enjoyed the film, but it seemed like a much “lesser” of a film compared to Prince Caspian.

    • First and foremost, since I saw the cartoon version of LWW when I lived in Germany (In German, no subs) I have wanted these stories to be made into movies and I am stoked to hear any good news about a 4th being made.
      Next, I would like to say that I agree with all of the spinning going on in the article. However, the words “limped” over 100 million and “lesser” of a film seem to be spinning in the opposite direction. Bottom line; money-wise the three films have grossed over 500 million dollars. Believe me, there is more money to be made.
      For me, the bottom line is that since the American audience did not indulge in the latest 2 films as much as the 1st, maybe adapt and target a slightly older (PG-13) audience. The Harry Potter films have made more money with time by doing so. Another thing that will turn movie-goers everywhere away is all of this allegorical talk. I feel that that will be a reason NOT to continue to see these movies for many viewers. Can we not just let them be amazing MOVIES? It is, after all, a story.

  22. I think it’s great they marketed country by country, because that’s saavy and they must’ve saved themselves a lot of money, which all helps with the profit.

    HOWEVER, if you’re a fan you could tell they did jsut that. There was next to no marketing in the UK, where they don’t deem it Narnia friendly enough. I went to the royal premiere and there wasn’t a single poster in London other than at the premiere, whereas it’s competitors were advertising everywhere. How ridiculous! Most of my friends didn’t even know there was another film until I told them; they very much left it up to fans to spread the word, which is fine, except fans feel very betrayed when they don’t even get any merchandising to spend their money on in return.

    As for PC not being popular, it’s definately the best movie and anyone I’ve spoken to, including those from overseas, loves it; I don’t get why they always think it’s so unpopular. They may’ve disappointed a massive Christian and childrens market, but there’s plenty who liked the film without being religious or young. That’s Disney’s fault, not the fans.

    • When it comes to the marketing in the UK, you must not have gotten out much. I spent a lot of time in England last fall. A week out of the two that they had a Dawn Treader in Cornwall, and then when I went for the Premiere in London. Regent Street was nothing but Narnia lights and banners. There were also ads on the sides of a lot of buses.

      • You are so lucky! You have been to England!!! WOW! I have always wanted to go there ( and to Italy!!).

  23. I really doubt another Narnia film isn’t going to happen. I think it is a question of Silver Chair or Magican’s Nephew. It seems stupid to me to not be confident in doing both, a prequel could work as the end if it needs to be.
    They won’t as much money eithr, which is good. I think both could be made for somewhere around 100-130 million max, probably closer to 110-120 being the best. Both would make really good movies and have their own appeal (one works with characters introduced in VOFDT and has a strong villian, and the other has a lot of the White Witch and is an origin story).

  24. I think that they should make SC before they make MN. By the time they make and release MN and start making SC, Will will be too old. Also if they plan to make LB all of them will be alot older, for example now William is 25 he would be nearly 30 or older. That would be very unrealistic!

  25. Great post! I had lost hope in a forth Narnia movie all together for a little while 😉
    But this is pretty good news, even though it’s still not entirely specific on whether or not there’s going to be a forth movie or not, although I do think it was implied. 😀
    And oh my gosh, Narnia…Happy Meal toys??? I don’t ever want to see that one happening, lol 😀

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