Courageous – Now in Theaters

Courageous is in theaters starting today.  If you are going to see a movie this weekend, make it this one.  It could change your life for the better.  If you’ve seen it, tell us what you thought!

Four men, one calling: To serve and protect.

As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners are confident and focused. They willingly stand up to the worst the streets have to offer. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood.

While they consistently give their best on the job, good enough seems to be all they can muster as dads. But they’re quickly discovering that their standard is missing the mark.

They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift further and further away from them. Will they be able to find a way to serve and protect those that are most dear to them?

When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God … and to their children?

COURAGEOUS is the fourth release of Sherwood Pictures, the moviemaking ministry of Sherwood Church in Albany, Georgia. Their first release since FIREPROOF, the No. 1 independent film of 2008, COURAGEOUS joins FACING THE GIANTS and FLYWHEEL in touching and impacting lives through heartfelt stories of faith and hope.

Moviegoers will again find themselves crying, laughing, and cheering—sometimes simultaneously—as they are inspired by everyday heroes who long to be the kinds of dads that make a lifelong impact on their children.

Protecting the streets is second nature to these law enforcement officers. Raising their children? That will take courage.

Courageous … honor begins at home.


  1. Very nice movie i like it very much,i hope its new addition will come sooooooon……….!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I’m going to go and see this film!! We should all be supporting these types of Films.. this is what our nation needs

  3. Saw it 09/30 and found it honorable in content, inspiration and movie-making quality. It is a challenge to the viewer’s character and personal integrity. Moreover, it is a practical and common-sense approach to presenting how Jesus Christ in your life honors Him and family cohesion.

  4. This is going to be awesome. Go to the Courageous website (the link is on the other Courageous story) and watch the first scean on the front page. This movie looks amazing!

  5. Ha, I wanted to see this SOOO bad!!! It took 4 mil. to make it, and on the first day of showings, it brought in 3.1 mil!!! Hahaha! Can’t wait to see this!!!

    • According to yahoo it took 6k to make it and brought in 8k. It placed 5th this week in the box office.

      • I ment 6m and 8m for million. Not “K”. I put the wrong letter! Sorry if I confused anyone!

  6. I saw it yesterday, and … I loved it! Some parts made me laugh my face off; other parts made me want to cry.

    The absolute best part was … “SNAKE KING.” Who else loved that part? The whole theater was in stitches for that entire scene, and I laughed so hard I cried. My cheekbones still hurt from laughing.

  7. Yes! I really want to see this one! Fireproof was awesome (even though some of the acting could have been better)! I hope I’ll get to see it soon! 😉

  8. Man ,I want to see it soooooooooo Bad! (of course not as bad as seeing another narnia…) I loved ‘Fireproof’, ‘Facing The Gaints’ and ‘Fly Wheel’, can’t wait to see this one!

  9. I am serving on an air base in the Persian Gulf and I am a Narnia fan. I am also a wooden model ship builder and I would like to build a model of the ship Dawntreader. I would like to find a place to get some information about size and scale to start the process. We don’t have a lot to do over here on our time off and this is something I would love to do. Thank’s for any help that may come my way.

    Dave Harrington

  10. Go see it guys!
    Don’t wait to see it at home, this kind of movie needs to be supported to show Hollywood that we want more movies like this!
    They weren’t exaggerating when they say you will be crying and laughing almost simultaneously! Go see Courageous, go, go, go!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. ohmygosh, I want to see this movie soooo bad!!

    watch “The Grace Card.” it’s similar to Courageous.

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