Today, we recorded a special Middle-Earth Radio show with Douglas Gresham. For those that don’t know, Douglas Gresham is the stepson of the late great C.S. Lewis, who is the creator of Narnia. The conversation covers the life of Douglas Gresham, and his thoughts about the Narnia movies, including his thoughts on seeing them come to life for the first time, as well as his favorite scene in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, which is a scene that he fought for, tooth and nail.
When you listen, you’ll learn about the compromises that go into making a movie (it’s not as easy as most of us would like it to be). You’ll also learn a bit about the secret project that I mentioned a while back. There’s not much more to report, as its’ one of a dozen projects that they have going. It’s a major stage production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and it’s far too early to talk about that in any detail. We hope that you enjoy it.
RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MeNetSpecials
ITunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/middle-earth-network-specials/id471911392
Mevio page: http://menetspecials.mevio.com/
It will also be broadcasting on Middle-earth Network Radio on the following dates and times:
And here are the links to last week’s The Founders’ Inklings with yours truly. This interview went so fast, that I couldn’t tell you everything that we talked about, but it includes my thoughts on the movies so far, as well as favorite characters and my favorite book in the series.:
RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/FoundersInklings
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-founders-inklings/id467639192
Mevio page: http://foundersinklings.mevio.com/
Or, the master Mevio page for Middle-earth Network, which links to both shows: http://middleearthnetwork.mevio.com/
I want to first thank mr CS Lewis for such a great imagination that to read about the a place called narnia a place of awes struck and wonder that even as an adult we like to travel through the thoughts and the feelings that went into narnia . how it started with a dream or to walk in the magians nephew or the last battle have all meant something to ponder and live lifes great achievments. I believe movies like narnias lion the witch and wardrobe are needed to show the good triumphs over evil. please please make more
movies like narnia
I really don’t like Narnia plays. When people dress up as animals with little tails and ear and stuff, they look stupid and it seems like a mockery. I saw a Narnia play where the unicorn fought with swords…that is just weird. AND!!! Narnia should NEVER be a musical!!!! It is SO lame with the songs, because the songs don’t even fit!!!!!
Have you seen the Broadway version of The Lion King?
The quality is bound to be better profesionaly done. I don’t think Gresham would put out something that looked like a school play.
I totally agree with you WarriorOfNarnia that The Chronicles of Narnia book series by C.S. Lewis should never be a musical nor a school play. Ever since The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe became a movie it has always been a hope of mine that all seven books become movies.
Nice job on the interview, Paul 😉 I thought that was great. I really like to hear Gresham’s stories about Lewis. And the Narnia stage show sounds interesting. I really liked the interview.
Great interview!
Really enjoyed that interview. So Paul, when is MyNarniaRadio going online? 😉
It’s in development as a show on the Middle-Earth Radio Network.
When it’s ready please give us more info! Sounds cool!
Yes! Please do!