Coinciding with the launch of the official C.S. Lewis Twitter (@CSLEWIS), HarperOne Publishers is hosting a live Twitter chat with C.S. Lewis’ stepson, and executive producer of the Narnia movies, Douglas Gresham at 2 p.m. EST on Wednesday, November 16.
Follow #CSLEWIS to participate or follow!
Gresham will be tweeting answers to questions and giving insights into Lewis as a man, an author, and a thinker that continues to shape the conversation around faith and life. Ask a question to @CSLEWIS and you could win a C.S. Lewis Boxed Set.
Follow @CSLEWIS today to get quotes, reflections, and exclusive products. HarperOne is currently doing daily giveaways of C.S. Lewis books and products to followers — including box sets of The C.S.Lewis Signature Classics, Mere Christianity, Screwtape Letters, and The Great Divorce, and many more. More than 200 books will be given away to followers of @CSLEWIS over the next few weeks!
You can get your free C.S. Lewis e-booklet right now at http://on.fb.me/CSLEWIS
If you are new to Twitter chats you can easily follow along by going here (http://tweetchat.com/room/cslewis) during the live event.
How ironic that Mr. Gresham will be doing this at this time in as much as I have recently retired and am attempting to clean up the “junk room.” I’ve had to go through dozens of photo albums and picture envelopes and came across snapshots of the time when Mr. Gresham came here to Norfolk, VA, to promote his book Jack’s Life at a little bookstore downtown. I so thoroughly enjoyed listening to you there that I also went to see you at Regent University. Here’s wishing you the best and hoping that the Narnia movies will continue to be produced, despite what I hear to the contrary. Happy Holy-Days!
my question is, was susan’s story ment to end the way it did at book seven, or was there orignally more planned to be done with her?
Lisa – are you a Twitter user? If so, if you send me your username and Doug is able to answer your question, I’ll have him mention you in his reply. You can post it here if you wish.
Hi, I don’t have twitter but I really want to know what happened to Archenland and Calormen during the White Witch’s reign. ^_^
You should try lionscall.com and go to the fan fiction section. This website has some really good fan fiction too! 🙂
It is 2:00 pm at England, right?
2pm Eastern, 7pm England!
And on Costa Rica?
This is great 🙂
How does this work exactly? I’m not even sure if I followed the right C.S. Lewis. It said that it’s a verified official account though. I’m really new to Twitter, so can someone please help me? 🙂
Just log in to Twitter tomorrow at 7pm England and put #cslewis in the search bar at the top. It will all become clear!
From 2pm until what hour? How do you chat on Twitter?
Again, wishing I had TWITTER!