Dr. Markos has been teaching on C.S. Lewis for many years as an English professor at Houston Baptist University. Several years ago he did a 12-part course entitled Life and Writings of C.S. Lewis for The Teaching Company. O’Flaherty spoke with Dr. Markos shortly after the final working title for The Lion Awakes was selected. He provides a concise summary of what the movie will focus on, noting that the role of J.R.R. Tolkien grew as the script was finalized. Additionally O’Flaherty spoke with him about Apologetics for the 21st Century, a book that examines how C.S. Lewis has played a vital role in an understand and defense of the Christian faith.
If you just want to hear Dr. Markos discuss The Lion Awakes:
Complete interview with discussion of his book Apologetics for the 21st Century:
Introducing William O’Flaherty’s C.S. Lewis Minute and All About Jack: A C.S. Lewis Podcast
Finding information about your favorite author isn’t too difficult in this day and age. Finding the time to read all that is out there is more of the challenge. That’s why fans like us are in for a special treat with a site like the C.S. Lewis Minute by William O’Flaherty. This blog/podcast aims to provide brief, but useful and interesting information about Lewis.
O’Flaherty’s first exposure to Lewis was over thirty years ago. Like many it was with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. However, it came later than most fans. He was two years away from graduating from high school when reading his first Narnia tale. The Screwtape Letters was the next book he read and it became an immediate favorite and still is today.
Fast forward to 2011 when O’Flaherty decide to use his past experience in radio to begin producing short, bit-size information on his favorite author. He believes those fairly new to Lewis would enjoy what he has to offer and the more experienced Lewis reader will find great reminders about the life and work of Lewis.
A range of topics have been included so far on the material O’Flaherty has posted. While most have focused on Lewis’ life and his other writings besides Narnia, the Chronicles has become a more frequent focus. a sample of some of the content about his life you can listen to and/or read is: Lewis as an unsuccessful poet, why he didn’t like to be called “clive,” who baptized his imagination and why he married his wife twice within a year.
Some of what O’Flaherty has done regarding material related to his other writings is:
Mere Christianity Origins pt. 1 & pt. 2
Reflection on the Psalms
The Business of Heaven
The show dealing with Narnia have included:
Cair Paravel
Which Caspian?
Digory Kirke
Remembering Four Signs
After starting the C.S. Lewis Minute, O’Flaherty was attending the annual C.S. Lewis Retreat held by the C.S. Lewis Foundation and he decided to interview some of the speakers at the event. These were first included in the podcast/blog, but recently he created All About Jack: A C.S. Lewis Podcast to showcase the interviews. This came about because he was able to arrange phone interviews with other authors about Lewis.
Man, that looks awesome!
I want to see it!
Does any one else feel excited. I mean I’m not excited like Narnia can only make me but I’m still interested. 🙂