Many of you may know that C.S. Lewis, author of Narnia, and J.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Hobbit, were great friends. In fact, if it weren’t for C.S. Lewis insisting that Tolkien write it, we may not have gotten the brilliant masterpiece that is The Lord of the Rings. Lewis and Tolkien were both members of a group called the Inklings.
Today is Hobbit Day! It’s a celebration of the birthdays of both Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, as well as the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit. You’ve gotta see everything that we’ve got planned for today. It’s over twelve hours of video content with interviews, readings from The Hobbit, events, and much more. Watch the event live with the video below, and visit HobbitDay.com for more!
Check out this video to learn more about it:
Very cool! We’ll probably be celebrating festivities at our house!
Just saw your Gandalf on the bridge parody. Funny!
Thanks! I worked pretty hard on that. Wish I had more time for effects work.
Cool! Hobbits in Narnia! Happy Hobbit Day, every Man, Elf, Faun, Talking Beast, and all the rest of you!