Vote Narnia in the 2013 People’s Choice Awards

The People’s Choice Awards has a new category called “Favorite Movie Fan Following” but did not include Narnia fans.  We’d like to help change that.  I’m not sure if you like the term “Narniac” or “Narnian” or “Narnia Fan.” So, please click on the link and WRITE IN something for Narnia, plus “The Chronicles of Narnia.  Help us get a spot.  You can vote for five, so feel free to vote for four others.

Let’s give Narnia a voice. Vote Narnia for the People’s Choice Awards. Tell your friends to do the same!

2013 People’s Choice Awards – Favorite Movie Fan Following


  1. C.S. Lewis himself called them “Narnians” in one of his letters to young fans. He said something like, “It seems the group of loyal Narnians is growing.”

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