There are only 3 more days to receive the early bird discount off the normal registration rates! Register by Monday evening, September 30th to save.
Don’t miss the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the legacy of C.S. Lewis at our Fall Conference, November 8-10, 2013 in Houston, Texas. Our theme is “The Forge of Friendship: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Creative Impulse.”
Few friendships have managed to have more impact than the one between C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. These two writers spurred each other on to create literature that continues to inspire millions of minds, hearts, and souls around the world.
What made these men so successful in combining the worlds of reason and imagination? What concepts did they use that will help us influence our world today? Come to Houston this fall and explore how Lewis and Tolkien, by pursuing their creativity and friendship, can inspire us to do the same!
Featuring: Devin Brown, Diana Pavlac Glyer, Malcolm Guite, Max McLean, Andrew Lazo, Louis Markos, and the Ad Deum Dance Company.
Visit our Fall Conference website for more information.
Register now. Financial aid for the event is available upon request.
* programming and line up of speakers and performers is subject to change