Movie news website Rama’s Screen had the opportunity to interview Ben Barnes about his new movie, By the Gun. During the interview, he was asked about the Narnia films. Here’s what he said:
Rama’s SCREEN: I don’t know if you know this but they’re working on adapting the next Narnia movie, “The Silver Chair,” so are you going to be a part of that?
Ben Barnes: “I have no idea. I haven’t spoken to anyone about it. I know in “Silver Chair” casting is much older, I think he’s in his seventies by that point. I know they have brilliant people working prosthetics but I don’t know if that’s even possible but I haven’t spoken to anyone about it, I don’t know what phase that’s at.”
Rama’s SCREEN: So did you think “Dawn Treader” was a good exit, if it was an exit, for your character, Prince Caspian?
Ben Barnes: “‘Dawn Treader’ is actually my favorite one actually, of the three. It was the book that I was most obsessed with when I was younger, I loved the parables within it, the little stories, the little messages in them. And I think it’s fun, it’s very colorful. Ya, that was a good worthy adaptation of that book.”
I agree with Ben Barnes concerning his opinion of the Dawn Treader film above. This was the most beautifully made of the films so far and the soundtrack by David Arnold was wonderful. It will be a big achievement to better that film.
I completely agree, with you the last movie was pretty well done especially since they made it on such a tight budget. It was nice to see it being made by someone other than Andrew Adamson. David Arnold did a pretty good job with the soundtrack.
Ben Barnes is the Most Good Looking Guy in the World
Love Him to Bits.
I use to be Obsessed with Cristiano Ronaldo until I saw and found out about Ben Barnes. The Mega Dream Boat
first of all i also agree with Ben that there are messages in The Voyage of the dawn treader, messages of symboloism & morality 🙂 the book The Eternal Truths Of Narnia is my favorite book on this subject because it discusses all 7 books includeing the Voyage Of The Dawn Treader & The Silver Chair, i think it’s possible for Ben to come back to the Narnia franchise if they did like a CGI format of him for the last half of The Silver Chair 🙂 mothing is impossible to him who believes 🙂
Prosthetics? They just need makeup, a wig or hair dye to get him looking older. It isn’t that complicated. LOL. 🙂