The Academy of the Arts has produced an incredible stage play of Prince Caspian for Logos Theatre in Greensville, South Carolina. Their next Narnia production is bringing to life The Horse and His Boy for audiences starting March 2019. Right now you can help bring this Narnia story to life with world class theatre through the official fundraising page: https://www.gofundme.com/the-horse-and-his-boy
The page has already exceeded their previous goal of $2,500 and they are working towards their next goal of $5,000. On the page you can see exclusive video updates including a construction update of the Bree and Hwin puppets.
Donation incentives include:
$1+ listing as donors in the Horse and His Boy production playbill
$250 Horse and His Boy Production T-shirt
$500 Horse and His Boy Production T-shirt and Documentary DVD
$1,000+ Horse and His Boy Production T-shirt, Documentary DVD and a ticket to the Beyond the Wardrobe Gala with Douglas Gresham in person (Spring 2019).