I am happy to be hosting, as co-founder of the C.S. Lewis Festival, a series of CS Lewis Festival’s podcasts featuring some of the finest and most respected authors, lecturers, and scholars in the world…. on C. S. Lewis. The C. S. Lewis Festival is the only month-long festival in the world on Lewis. Over 20 organizations work together to promote literacy, faith, education, art, music, and dialogue through a variety of cultural events that has drawn over 20,000 people to Petoskey, Michigan. (CSLewisFestival.org)
My company, Crouse Entertainment Group (www.crouseentertainment.com), in association with Duncan Entertainment (www.duncanentertainment.com), produced the only television biography on Lewis to air in North America “The Life and Faith of C.S.Lewis”” (Public broadcasting) streams on Amazon Prime.
The first series we are visiting is the 2016 Festival, with its theme ‘The Surprising Imagination of CS Lewis’. Featured speakers include Dr. Jerry Root, a popular author, professor, and Lewis scholar at Wheaton College; Mark Neal, Lewis author and digital marketer, and Dr. Phil Jamieson, teacher-lecturer-and minister. Each Friday through the end of October starting at noon-Eastern a new lecture will be streamed. The series concludes Friday October 30 with a ZOOM interview I conducted with Dr. Jerry Root. Producer and host David Crouse
Here is your link: http://www.lewisscholarcast.com