If you would love to see a LEGO Narnia set like this become a reality now is a great time to vote for this project on Lego Ideas. This design was previously submitted and received 1,858 supporters before ultimately expiring. Now it is back with nearly double the number of supporters and recognized by the LEGO group as a featured staff pick. NarniaFans interviewed the set’s designer Pawel about this project, so visit this link to learn more about the design process, challenges, and hidden details. The project is nearly halfway to the goal of 10,000 supporters to become a real Lego sets like Research Institute, WALL•E Project, Doctor Who and Companions, and Tron Legacy which all started as grassroots submissions.
LEGO Narnia is closer to reality than ever before. If you want to see this as a real product visit https://ideas.lego.com/projects/fcdce334-4222-403a-bf6d-60586e4041ee and cast a free vote of support before May 9, 2022.
Project Video
Thank you to Amara for contacting us with an update about this. If you have a Narnia LEGO creation that you would like to share with the Narnia Fans community please use the contact us page at https://narniafans.com/contact-us to let us know.