Dr. Scott Masson’s lecture “C.S. Lewis, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe,” discusses the importance of stories in Lewis’ work, specifically old stories that are brought to our attention and commended to us. There’s a lot here, and we’re happy to share it with you!
Description of the Lecture by Dr. Scott Masson
I will look at primarily in terms of its relation to the themes and ideas already discussed on the course.
About Dr. Scott Masson
Dr. Scott Masson is an Associate Professor of English Literature at Tyndale University, Toronto. He did his PhD at the University of Durham, where C.S. Lewis delivered the lectures eventually written under the title The Abolition of Man. He has taught courses on C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien for over a decade, some of which have been uploaded to his YouTube channel. He also hosted a series of literature podcasts called Paideia Today.