Narnia Fans Mailbag #24

We’ve just posted the twenty-fourth edition of the NarniaFans Mailbag. We’ve answered three letters this week from such topics as the length of time between films, the age of Caspian vs. the actor playing him, and a call to find the Turkish Delight recipe that used to be found on! Anyone know where it is?

The one reason for the time between mailbags is the amount of news that we’ve been reporting, as well as other work on new features behind the scenes. You’ll start seeing more of these features in the coming weeks and months! Big things are coming!

Q: Hey NarniaFans! Thanks for answering my last two questions! I loved it! I actually first saw Narnia at school for Religion class and we were given packets that I really liked. Now, I year later, I can’t find it! I went to and found the packet, but my favorite part was missing! The Turkish Delight Reciple! (By the way, I tried your’s and I really liked it!) I remember that it had the Turkish Delight Tin on it and that’s it. Do you know anywhere I could find it?

-Queen Lucy the Valiant (aka Narnia Lover)

A: Hello! I’m not sure where to find that recipe. However, I’m sure that if other fans read this that have that recipe, someone will take the time to send it in! (hint hint, Narnia fans!)

Q: Why is there such a long delay between the releases of “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” (2005) and “Prince Caspian” (2008)?


A: There are many reasons. First was that the success of Narnia was an unknown quantity. The second was that they needed time to come up with a good enough script that would make a great movie.

Q: Hello Paul, it’s me again. I just wanna ask something that i completely dont get:
How old is caspian meant to be in the PC movie? Because the guy who will play him is like 26! Isn’t that a bit too much of an age difference? Cause I thought that Caspian was meant to be like around 16 or something!! No offence to Ben though. Ok thanks for your time Bye!


A: The fellow playing him is 25, and that’s a very good thing. He’s someone that is able to play younger. In fact, I won’t be surprised if people believe him to be younger. It’s funny how many times we see people in movies that we think are younger than they actually are. Just look at the cast of High School Musical, for example. Some of the high school students are actually out of college! So don’t let his age get to you. It’ll make it easier to make him look older for Voyage of the Dawn Treader. They won’t need to hire an older actor to fill his role at all. It’s a win-win situation for the studio, and for us!

And that’s it for Mailbag #24!