C.S. Lewis’s grandson has just given The Voyage of the Dawn Treader a very good endorsement.
I think this is the best Narnia movie to date. It will impress even the most avid Narnia or CS Lewis fans as well as provide a riveting ride for the average movie goer. Notwithstanding some cinematic plot “ adjustments” it stays true to the original intention of the story and retains the key values based elements of temptation and redemption (with a dose of valour and honour thrown in for good measure, as we would expect). Parents will be captured by the visual feast but will be reassured that their children are dining on wholesome fair. Kids will be excited to find that real heroes and heroines still exist and that they are compatible with their parent’s views of ‘good’. This movie will be a favourite for all ages for many years to come.
Tim Gresham
Step-Grandson of CS Lewis
Saw Dawn Treader last night at the US Premier in Knoxville. EXCELLENT MOVIE! Great Christian values, funny, scary, and sad. Excellent acting and the 3D was very well done.
ABSOLUTLY AMAZING FILM. I saw it today and by FAR the BEST narnia movie we have seen, altough different from the 2 previous it is just amazing. C.S. Lewis was truly one of the greatest writters ever to have walked this earth!
Great! That sounds a LOT more encouraging than other reviews we’ve seen. Tomorrow’s the day!!! =)
Yup……I’m excited! One more day!
Good to hear…But I’m not really sure he could have reasonably said differently. I mean, his father helped make the film after all. How could his opinion not be a little biased?
I just hope he’s right.
Saw Dawn Treader last night at the US Premier in Knoxville. EXCELLENT MOVIE! Great Christian values, funny, scary, and sad. Excellent acting and the 3D was very well done.
ya…….. wat a awesome movie.. i have nearly watched 20 times the 1st and 2nd secong part and the 3rd one 2 times… will we bw able to see the 4th part??? plz reply
a very chweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet film my fav film for ever
I just say 1 word….”GREAT”
for a long time i waiting for this movie…
I just can’t believe, after all our waiting, that it’s finally HERE!!
Narnia actress gets behind Operation Christmas Child
Georgie Henley, who plays Lucy in the Narnia films, talks about the partnership between the upcoming The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and Operation Christmas Child – followed by an exclusive trailer for the up-coming film! http://www.operationchristmaschild.org.uk/videos
This year you do a shoebox online visit http://www.operationchristmaschild.org.uk/shoeboxworld to send a giftfilled shoebox to a child in need.
hahhaha me tooo im excited to next part of narnia love ittttttttttttttttt
Hey!! Don’t forget Dawn Treader comes out on blu-ray and DVD…TODAY!! Get excited! 🙂