The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has hit theaters and is starting out kind of slow. However, like other films before it, great word of mouth can help bring this film to a stunning finish. Titanic, when it was released in 1997, didn’t open very strongly. Great word of mouth and repeat trips to the theater pushed it to it’s final total of $600 million. While this movie doesn’t have the critical mass behind it, it does have many enduring qualities and an ending worth its weight in gold.
This is a film that we need to support so that future films like this are seen by Hollywood as a good thing. Not just for future Narnia films, but other great stories as well.
Coming this month, we have Tron: Legacy, Yogi Bear and Gulliver’s Travels to contend with. And there is also Tangled from before, but by now most everyone that wanted to see it, already has.
Take your friends, your family, your enemies, your enemies friends and your enemies enemies. Let’s support this film thoroughly and decisively!
The race is very long, but if we keep on it, we can win the race and see the series through to a stunning conclusion with The Last Battle. Further Up and Further In! For Narnia!
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader at Box Office Mojo
I’ll take an eight-year-old to go see it along with my non-narnian friends…and maybe some enemies too. The Silver Chair must be made!!!!
I hope this is correct. Competition wise, I wouldn’t be too concerned about Gulliver’s Travels. I saw the trailer last night before Narnia and it doesn’t look that great. Yogi Bear, I have no idea. It might be appealing to younger kids, but I’m not so sure about people over the age of 7. Then again, look at Alvin and the Chipmunks. Tron Legacy would probably be the greatest threat, but I’m not sure how many people remember the original.
You know, my closest buddies and I are all HUGE sci-fi fans. I’m not just saying we watch Star Wars, Star Trek, Back to the Future, Avatar and the Matrix. I’m talking we’ve talking the likes of Planet of the Apes, Blade Runner, Forbidden Planet, Close Encounters, and 2001: A Space Odyssey. None of us have even seen the ORIGINAL Tron. it’s one that we say, ” You know, I want to watch it… oh, look Star Trek’s on!” kind of films. It’s that way with many other sci-fi fans. Actually, only ONE of my 223 Facebook friends has said they are a fan of it. So not very many.
A hurdle for a film like Narnia not being that the general public audience for it isn’t there, but that the audience don’t know that Narnia is there; if other big marketed movies get people into the cinema when they are in the mode and it is a good experience, then as long as Narnia is still hanging around then it is more likely that it’s(Narnia’s)general audience will be more awake to it playing at the cinema.
So here’s hoping that at least one of those other films is good too 🙂
Love the optimism Paul. I think it is the timing of the release because I looked further into the reason behind the low sales. Several people were snowbound according to members on facebook, several like me have exams. You’re right there are several great films that didn’t do well in sales in the beginning. Sometimes it is the word of mouth that does the trick like it did for Avatar. Also don’t forget Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 came out a few weeks back. I know this because on opening night the theater screamed with excitement seeing the Dawn Treader trailer following the film. Anyways the holidays is sure to bring in a huge crowd.
Well, I saw it last night. I posted a review on my blog about it and encouraged all of my blog readers to go see it. Me and my mom will go back and see it again in a few weeks. I don’t know what else to do. =)
Even for a Narnia or HP movie, I can’t justify seeing a movie in theaters more than twice.
Saw it last night, and it was amazing!!! I’ll go back with my family and one of my friends (who is eight and excitedly begging her for me to take her for about a month)
I’ll see it as many times as it takes to get The Silver Chair made!!
Over Christmas, the first two are on TV in England, so it might convince people to see VDT too. I’m going to see it tomorrow and then again during Christmas if it’s still showing, which it hopefully will be.
Thanks Johnny depp and brangelina. NARNIA #1!
Im so sad no 4th one, I read all the books and saw the new movie which was good. I dont think the silver chair will be made unless either the series is rebooted or peter Jackson or someone like that does it. I don’t think word of mouth can push this over 100 million which would be the required amount to prompt a 3rd one.
I mean 4th one
We saw “Dawn Treader” a couple of weeks ago at a free screening and plan to go back soon–but this time we’ll pay for our tickets so that it’ll count at the box office!!
There are a couple of legitimate reasons this movie is starting out so slow: First, the weather was absolutely horrible all over the Midwest this past weekend. No one went to the movies–they were too worn out from digging out!! Second, most families I know are busy with pre-Christmas activities (shopping, parties, Christmas caroling, Christmas pageants). Most of my friends said they would take their families to see it during Christmas break.
So, I think we have to wait a couple of weeks before declaring “Dawn Treader” a hit or a flop, and hopefully Walden/Fox can afford to wait before making a decision about making the next film.