While it’s been released before as part of a very expensive Sony 3-D starter kit, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has finally been announced for release on Blu-ray 3D on its’ own, so that those that already have their 3D glasses, or own a 3D TV that isn’t produced by Sony, can get the film for their home video collections.
Until Thor, this was my favorite 3D conversion, accomplished by many teams around the world. The Blu-ray 3D edition will be in stores on August 30.
cool!!!! i want it!!!
Nice i have already my copy with the glasses, but i defenitely buy it again the day of realise.
Does anyone knows something about the new narnia movie? the wating is killing me
Do you have to have a 3D TV to watch it? Or just a blu-ray player and glasses?
Do I have to have a 3D TV so i can see the new movie of Narnia ?
I believe you need a 3D TV to see the 3D version.
This sounds good! 🙂
Hope for some good news soon about another film.
Really cool, can’t wait. Thanks for letting us know!
Would it work on a PS3??? And I have glasses we broght home from the theatre. Would that work?????
It’s possible that it might, with an updated PS3, but I’m not positive. The glasses from the theatre are different from the glasses that come with or are sold with a 3D TV. They are unlikely to work. Also, you need a 3D TV.
Thanks Paul!!!
check arround the web, I belive you will need a firmware update for it to work. You will also need a 3D tv.
I hope my parents get this!!!!!!
I have all the 2d Narnia films, Is this a UK release ?
Was it shot in 3d can you see the 3d stand out ? or is it a pure hash up like clash of the titans
It’s a US release only as far as I know. It might come to the UK later, though.
It wasn’t shot in 3D, but it’s not like Clash of the Titans. If you’ve seen Thor in 3D, it is closer to that or Alice in Wonderland in 3D. Clash of the Titans was a six week rush. Conversion to 3D can work, and even James Cameron (who helped pioneer the 3D camera with Avatar) is having Titanic converted to 3D.