Looking for Narnia Play Scripts

If anyone can help, I’m looking for Narnia scripts for plays that are easy to produce and made for children to perform. I’ve received many e-mails from people looking for this type of stuff, and I would like to be able to provide some material for them. If you have something that could help, or can provide a lead to the acquisition of a script, please contact me with the contact form.

UPDATED! We’ve Found Some: See C.S. Lewis On Stage for a handful of plays based on Narnia and more!

If anyone has any more resources, e-mail me!


  1. Erina Caradus of Dunedin, New Zealand, has written and produced stage adaptations of four of the Chronicles: Lion, Mag.Neph., Pr.Casp., and Dawn Treader. They have been performed with great success by a talented amateur cast and crew, recruited from local churches. Her scripts have the approval of the Lewis Estate. Anyone interested should contact her directly.

  2. Is it possible for you to provide contact information on her? A google search turned up nothing. Thank you!

  3. I have written, with the approval of the Lewis estate, scripts for Lion the witch & wardrobe, Magician’s nephew, prince Caspian and Dawn Treader. All of these scripts have been performed with excellent reviews.
    Anyone interested in perusing scripts or finding out more about our productions can contact me by visitng our website:
    http://narniaproductions.co.nz and clicking on contact.

  4. I am a Drama teacher, and want to stage a production of one of the NARNIA Chronicles in the new year, with Year 5 and 6 children in England. I would be grateful for your help.
    Best wishes,

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