Here we’ve summarized The Last Battle chapter by chapter. This isn’t meant to be an exhaustive summary of the book.

  1. By Caldron Pool
    In the last days on Narnia, in the Lantern Wastes, there lived a Donkey named Puzzle and an Ape called Shift. It was during on of their days together by Caldron Pool that they found a Lion skin. It was then, that Shift came up with the idea of what to do with the Lion skin.
  2. The Rashness of the King
    Tirian, the last King of Narnia, and his best friend, the Unicorn named Jewel, were spending the day relaxing when they had two visitors. First was the Centaur Roonwit, followed by a Dryad. After these visits, Tirian and Jewel went forth to Lantern Wastes, and discovered the most awful of things happening.
  3. The Ape in Its Glory
    Feeling guilty for what they had done, Tirian and Jewel turned themselves over to the Calormenes. After seeing the animals all looking all sad and depressed, Tirian tried speaking out against the Ape in the clearing, but was taken away to be dealt with later.
  4. What Happened That Night
    After spending the day tied to a tree unable to move, Tirian was hungry and thirsty. He was surprised when some of the smaller talking beasts bought him some food and drink, though they dared not untie him, for they feared the wrath of Aslan. Later that night, Tirian fell into a dream, where he met the seven Friends of Narnia.
  5. How Help Came to the King
    The first thing Eustace and Jill did, was to free Tirian from the tree, he in turn led them away from the clearing. Once they were all safely away, Tirian told the children what had happened to bring him there. They then told him how they came to help him. After they had made it to the watch house, they all set about making plans.
  6. A Good Night’s Work
    After giving Eustace and Jill weapons with which to arm themselves, Tirian made sure they knew how to use them. After everybody had gotten some sleep, it was time to head back to Stable Hill. Once Tirian had recovered Jewel, they turned to head back to the Watch House. That was when they noticed Jill missing.
  7. Mainly About Dwarfs
    On their way back to the Watch House, Tirian, Jewel, Eustace, and Jill came across a group of Dwarfs being escorted along by Four Calormenes. After freeing the Dwarfs, Tirian was hoping for a warmer welcome. Only one Dwarf joined them at the Watch House, and it was while Poggin was telling his new friends what he had overheard that they all noticed the day change.
  8. What News the Eagle Brought
    After some discussion, it was decided that meeting with Roonwit was the best course of action at this time. After leaving the stable armed with traditional Narnian weapons, the friends were intercepted by Farsight the Eagle, who bought with him some grave news. It would seem Narnia is no more.
  9. The Great Meeting on Stable Hill
    After hearing this news, the friends turned around and headed back towards Stable Hill. On their way back there was talk of peaceful times gone past. There was also the question of what would happen to Eustace and Jill back in England. It was while waiting in hiding that they heard the Ape and his cohorts put a stop to their plans.
  10. Who Will Go Into the Stable?
    With Tirian and friends watching from their hiding place, the Ape, the Tarkaan, and the Ginger Cat put their new plan into action. All that started to go wrong when the Ginger Cat was struck dumb after entering the Stable. When Tirian saw the Calormenes moving on one of the Talking Beasts, he decided it was time they showed themselves.
  11. The Pace Quickens
    Now there was nothing left they could do. They had to stand and fight. With only a few of the Talking Beasts taking Tirians side, things where not looking good. With the Dwarfs pulling a rotten trick, and the Tarkaan calling for more troops, Tirian and his friends had to act quickly.
  12. Through the Stable Door
    It took Jill a few moments to remember where she was supposed to be. After everyone had made it and stopped to rest for a moment, they realized Eustace had been captured. Eventually Tirian found himself fighting for his life in the door of the stable. Once inside, he realized things where not as they seemed.
  13. How the Dwarfs Refused to Be Taken In
    The Seven Friends of Narnia explained to Tirian where he was, and what had been happening inside the stable since their arrival. They then told of how they came to be in there. After Tirian had tried talking some sense into the Dwarfs, Aslan came to them to say it was time.
  14. Night Falls on Narnia
    Now was the time for Aslan to go to work. Father time has awoken. As all the animals and people made their way through the door, some of them went to the left, never to be seen again, while others headed off to the right to head further up and further in. After the door had been shut, the dogs found the scent of one lone Calormene.
  15. Further Up and Further In
    After everyone had seated themselves, and the dogs had a drink from the stream, Emeth told of what had happened to him, and how he came to be there. While they where making their way further up and further in, they slowly came to realize exactly where they were.
  16. Farewell to Shadowlands
    After a time spent running faster and faster, they came to the Golden Gates, where they had to stop. Waiting for them inside the garden were old friends of everyone from days gone past. After friends had greeted each other, and friends met friends, Aslan came to them to say they would not be heading home again, for this was their true home.

1 Comment

  1. How delicious–a map of the Last Battle! It brings scenes to mind and makes me want to descend from–well, the cloud. Nobility, treachery, courage, tragedy, delight! Thank you.

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