NarniaFans Mailbag #29: Is Prince Caspian Better than LWW? Dawn Treader Poster? and more!

Presenting the newly rejuvenated NarniaFans Mailbag. We’re going to avoid confusion and pick up the numbering where we left off. If you would like to read any of the old mailbags, we’ve got them here. If you’d like to submit a question for next week’s mailbag, use our handy contact form.

Let’s get started!

Q: There’s a poster for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on Is this legitamite, or a fake? Also, great site! Can’t wait to see how it does in the future!


A: I trust you mean this one:

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Fan Poster


This is definitely a fan made creation. There are a number of things that give it away. First is that the pictures of Lucy and Edmund are taken directly from Prince Caspian. Another thing that makes it seem a little more authentic, but is a dead giveaway is the fact that the Caspian seen in this poster is not Ben Barnes. It’s the character actor from Walt Disney World’s Journey into Narnia! Another thing is that they have not even started shooting yet. Sure there are sometimes early posters released, and sometimes they are released this early, but we don’t yet know what the Dawn Treader even looks like for the film. The three floating heads are also transparent, something that they don’t tend to do in actual movie posters.

Q: I saw the Prince Caspian movie and then read the book. Where is the part where they kiss in the book?


susan-caspian-horsebackA: The simplest answer was given in the comments where you asked the question. The filmmakers put that into the film. It wasn’t a decision that they came to lightly though. It was a highly debated issue among them as they wrote the screenplay. The character of Susan goes through some pretty big changes in the story.. at least they are big changes when you’re not paying attention to how she speaks throughout the series. In the books, the things she says foreshadow the path that her character takes. I won’t tell you, though, as you may not have finished the series yet. In the context of the books, though, the kiss does make sense and serves to explain her character earlier on. If all seven films are produced, it’ll make more sense in the long run.

One reason, though, that the writers gave, was that putting that girl into a movie with that guy, having nothing between the two would have been unrealistic. As far as filmmaking is concerned, they are correct, and girls everywhere would have been asking why nothing happened. It’s one of those decisions that doesn’t really effect the outcome of the movie, or the character of Susan.

Q: Am I the only one that actually thinks the second movie is better than the first?


Peter PevensiePaul: Actually, you’re not the only one. There are many people that believe it to be better than the first. For one thing, all of the returning cast members are much more comfortable in their roles. They exude a confidence on the screen that they didn’t completely have in the first. For another, between films some of the children went through extensive acting classes to get better at their craft.

William Moseley’s new skills are on display throughout, but in particular the scene at the end of the castle-raid. His face says everything that it needs to, and no words are required to say what he is feeling at that point.

Skandar Keynes also comes into his own, and displays his acting chops, and shows that he’ll be a terrific actor to watch in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

The cast was all very comfortable with each other, and they really dove into the roles, allowing us to get pulled back into Narnia all the easier.

That’s not to mention they took an inferior story in the Narnia series and made it into an excellent and highly entertaining movie. Frankly, this was the one Narnia story that I was worried wouldn’t translate into a very good film, but in breaking loose from the story in the order that it happened in the book, they were able to flesh out different characters and make Caspian more than what it was in the written word. I believe that they captured aspects of the characters that can be found on the page, if you look at it from a different perspective than you usually would.

Lily_of_Archenland: I’d find it a difficult decision, personally. While PC left a lot more plot aberrations in a nitpickers guide sort of way, and had a couple of places which really upset me, PC also seemed more solid on really giving one a good idea of Aslan’s power rather than equivocating the victory as belonging mostly to the Pevensies. So, odd as it may seem, I’d say Prince Caspian is better and worse than #1, only in different ways.

And that’s it for this week’s mailbag. Be sure to send us some e-mails, and I’ll be sure to try and include them in next week’s mailbag. I’m also hoping to get the other writers to chime in, if the letters come in early enough. If that is the case, then the answers will not be preceded by the letter “A” but by the name of the writer providing the answer. This week, I included a comment that was left in the comments on the other entry for the answer above.


  1. Cool!! I’m glad this is back! 😀 Another funny thing, I’m going to Disney World and looking forward to seeing the Narnia display later this month!

  2. I agree with Lily_of_Archenland’s view of Aslan’s role in the movies. A lot of people complained that there wasn’t enough Aslan in the second movie and therefore the writers were stealing from the story’s symbolism. But I actually thought they did a good job of getting the point across that Aslan is the only one who can save Narnia. Cheers!

  3. prince caspian is like my favorite movie ever…except for sound of music and pride and prejudice!! anyway, it just shows that the movie is really good…cuz they totally ditched the book (which normally would make me hate the movie, especially with respect to the chronicles cuz i luv em so much) but i still love the movie. i’ve seen it about 20 times, including 4 in theater, written a script for it, and i can’t wait for the next one. so, in conclusion, yeah i think PC is way better than LWW!!!!!!!!

  4. yes, i agree with sweetwaters on the aslan thing (tho i think PC is better than LWW, see comment above). they also did a super job portraying peter’s sort of rebellion against aslan and trying to do it himself, and than his return to depending on aslan for the final victory. i think andrew adamson is a super director too…and i hope not having it on VDT isn’t gonna ruin it.

  5. Reading the Magician’s Nephew recently, i noticed that it doesn’t seem a very easy story to translate into a movie. They’ll have to make some changes there, i think. I love the movies and the books but i’m happy to regard them as two seperate parts of Narnia.
    As for Dawn Treader, though… I’m really scared they’ll cut some stuff out of that! It is my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE BOOK EVER. If they don’t put in that thing about Caspian wanting to visit a round world…
    DO you know much about Micheal Apted’s previous work, and with that in mind how do you think his approach will be different to Andrew Adamson’s?

  6. Wow… my comment actually got quoted in an Official Post! Whee!

    Now, for a serious question–besides those two pieces of concept art I and my brother spotted in the PC extras (Magician’s house and Dawn Treader painting), are there any known verifiable movie spoilers of promo-material which have been released for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader yet?

  7. The only thing that i found wrong with PC is that when the trees come and fight, Peter says”Lucy” like she did it. Lucy didn’t do anything, Aslan did! Other than that GREAT ACTION PACKED MOVIE!!

    • When he said “Lucy” he was only stating his excitement that Lucy in fact got to Aslan. He knows that in the end it was Aslan, and that is our own conclusion as well. 🙂

  8. hi!… I cant wait more I want to see the movie of Narnia 3, also Im here for telling you that here in Mexico and other countries like Brazil, Peru etc etc gone to celebrate the day of Narnia on October 16, cuz that day was the first publication, so if you agree we could did more official October 16 for day of Narnia…. If you agree send me an e-mail :


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