David Vallon cast as Gumpas for Dawn Treader

David Vallon in Scooby-Doo

We’ve discovered that David Vallon has been cast in the role of Gumpas for the film The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. He’s a character actor who has appeared as a bartender in the film Scooby-Doo and was last seen in 2005’s The Proposition.

Here is the description of Gumpas from the book:

Behind a table at the far end with various secretaries about him sat his Sufficiency, the Governor of the Lone Islands. Gumpas was a bilious-looking man with hair that had once been red and was now mostly grey. He glanced up as the strangers entered and then looked down at his papers saying automatically, “No interviews without appointments except between nine and ten p.m. on second Saturdays.”

And here is the first picture I could find, so far, from Scooby-Doo:

David Vallon in Scooby-Doo
David Vallon in Scooby-Doo

And here is a picture of David Vallon on set as Gumpas:

David Vallon as Gumpas on the Dawn Treader Set
David Vallon as Gumpas on the Dawn Treader Set


  1. Well, he’s definitively got the moody look. I think he will do great! Welcome welcome, David!

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