Brazil celebrates its first Narnia Day

Website MundoNarnia contacted us with news that Brazil will be celebrating it’s first ever “Narnia Day.” They write:

With great joy fans of The Chronicles of Narnia are promoting for the first time their Narnia Day, a very special day for fans to get together and for the divulgation of the series written by C. S. Lewis.
The event is an initiative of Editor WMF Martins Fontes, that publishes The Chronicles of Narnia in Brazil and invited the fan site to be responsible for the organization of audience in different Brazilian regions.

Besides events in schools, libraries, churches and internet, a major meeting is happening, from 1 to 5 p.m., at Saraiva MegaStore, a bookshop in Ibirapuera Shopping Center, in São Paulo – the biggest city in Latin America.

This event is celebrating The Chronicles of Narnia, paying homage to the author, C. S. Lewis, with a public reading of some parts of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, dance exhibitions (Escola Paulista de Dança), a music show with the Merrow Band, playing rock and Celtic music, a talk about the series with Gabriele Greggersen, a Narnia expert, and the distribution of gifts and Turkish delights at the end of the event. Entrance is free, but we ask the audience to bring in toys that are going to be given to a charity institution.

For other activities which are taking place on this September 12th, is promoting a contest, the most creative enterprise being awarded.

This is a special achievement for this fan club, the partnership with the publishing house which publishes Narnia, making this event an official one. Fox Film do Brasil confirmed some of its members are going to be present at Narnia Day in São paulo and our expectations are that, for the next year we, will do something together with Fox.
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