Edmund Returns … to a Dungeon

From Skandar Keynes’ official website:

Skandar is still at Cleveland. But instead of being on the magical Dawn Treader Edmund is filthy, bruised and finding himself in another dungeon. Sound familiar?

Read the blurb here.


  1. @ Marcia: As the people at Narnia Web are generally agreed on, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace and Reepicheep are probably in a dungeon after being captured by Pug to sell at the slave market.

  2. Hm… a nice, traditional stone or wood prison instead of a fantasy ice-pit… sound slike it could be fun to watch. ^_^

  3. We find him again in a dungeon, he seems to have a talent of getting himself in those kinds of places! Hope Reepicheep will be okay! In the BCC version, it is a pit with bars over it, I wonder what it will look like in this one!

  4. Responding to Narnialover,

    He is in a dungeon again, b/c he was in a dungeon, FIRST, in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, at the witch’s castle; and, SECOND, in Voyage of the Dawn Treader, at the slave market

  5. @Lucy: it’s not in cleveland, it’s in cleveland point which is in the gold coast in australia. i actually live in australia, in melbourne. i could have gone to queensland to see the set, but nooooo, my parents wanted to go to sydney instead. grrrr :@.

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