Tilda Swinton speaks about White Witch in Dawn Treader

Actress Tilda Swinton, who portrayed The White Witch in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, reprised the role in Prince Caspian, is set to do it yet again in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. She spoke briefly about her time on the set, which should help to ease people’s thoughts about how large her role is on screen.

It happened in an interview with a writer for Examiner.com

You reprise your role as the White Witch in “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,” the third film in the “Narnia” movie series. How long did it take you to film what you do in that movie?

Oh, you know I’m in it? Yes, it’s true.

I know you can’t give away any spoilers, but it’s not a secret that you’re in the movie since you’re shown in the movie’s trailer.

Well, I’m amazed that that they would put [my scene] in the trailer, because I spent less time filming it than I spent speaking to you [in this interview]. [NOTE: This interview was 23 minutes long.]

Okay, for those of you who have never been on a film set: 23 minutes of filming doesn’t really amount to a lot. Granted, it was likely a rough estimate, but when they’re filming something like this they usually do many takes of the same shot. Not just from different angles, but to get different performances each time. This shows something that should ease your mind: she’s not in it very much.


  1. I’m relatively sure from what I say in the trailer that she appears in the Dark Island, which makes perfect sense. Edmund’s past actions and his associations with her likely would be his greatest nightmare. If that’s the case, then I have no problem with this.

  2. Wow that is a REALLY short amount of time filming…
    Wasn’t worried about it at all… but it should clear other people’s minds.
    To those who are still worried… I spent more time filming in a movie than she did in Dawn Treader, and I was an extra! Not even a featured one… lol
    23 minutes is nothing on a film set…

  3. thank you paul for clearing that up for everyone!( everyone on the Dancing Lawn were ready to go witch hunting! I’m serious)

  4. Thanks Paul. Someone should notify the poor chaps and chapettes at NarniaWeb that there’s nothing to freak out about.

  5. I really don’t care if she was in or not. I love seeing how the directors use the book and create a good movie with it. And if the White Witch is in it then so be it. Besides, She has to be in the Silver Chair too. As the Green Witch.

    • no shes not in the silver chair. The green witch is someone else. What the owl said about that is not true caz it was pute in by an editor latter.

  6. I don’t mind the witch being in there all that much. I just don’t like the way its done. The point of the dark island was that it was dark not a green mist.

  7. Did I also see Peter and Susan at the end of the trailer? Where do they turn up? Also saw some scenes that look like fauns fighting again……..not that I am complaining. I prefered the castle battle scene in Prince Caspian to the description of the failed ambush in the book.

  8. I find everyone’s reaction to Tilda Swinton quite strange. She’s a fantastic actress, and honestly she was my favorite character in the 1st Narnia movie-by far. Her ease with which she assumed the role was almost embarrassingly more natural than most of the child actors, as well as most of the adults. That first scene with her and Edmund was just brilliant. The way she could be motherly, just slightly sexy, yet subtly ominous was the best.

  9. This makes it seem like they only put her in the movie so that she could be in the trailer. Very misleading. Just like Peter and Susan.

  10. Douglas, the point is that she is not in the book, not that she is a bad actor.

    We know they are going to cut huge amounts of the book out because nobody (well, except hardcore fans) would sit through a 6-8 hour movie. It is obnoxious in the extreme when movies created from books remove large parts of the book then add in scenes that are more “Hollywood-esque”.

    However, I don’t believe this will be the case here. I think a commentor already called it, she will be in Edmund’s nightmare on Dark Island. Not a big deal. People are just worried that Hollywood is going to ruin yet another book/series with silly changes. 😛

    Now if they replace the Green Witch with her in the next movie (if there is a next movie)… that’d be something to get upset about.

    • Rebecca:

      OK- I can see that point. I think when movies are in a series, there is the desire for continuity sometimes that overrides the author’s original story lines. Sometimes it’s bad, sometimes it’s actually better. Arwen’s character in LOTR was very minor in the books, but central in the movies. But it made a lot more sense to have it that way, and spoke to more realistic motivations, especially for Aragorn’s character.

      The White Witch in the second Narnia movie- hard to say. I’ve read all the books a number of times, but now can’t remember what that scene was (or wasn’t) in the book. I think it played out reasonably well in the film if taken as such. Honestly, I find one of the shortfalls of the Narnia series is that so few of the children’s character ever experience much in the way of real internal conflict, other than Edmund. And he’s already made out to be a bit of a trouble-maker right from the beginning. What about the others? No problems at all? They are just too earnest. Faith is all well and good, but the best stories usually have faith and trust as something the characters find through a great deal of doubt and struggle.

      It’s probably why it hasn’t had the reach of LOTR or the Harry Potter series (which obviously owes it’s entire existence to both fantasy forebears). I’ve enjoyed both Narnia movies a lot, and will keep watching until the end (or wherever they get to). But I think most fans will agree the storyline really gets a bit fuzzy after the fourth novel. Much less compelling and harder to follow, and the more you loose the central characters the less you feel invested in the story.

  11. I’m glad they put the White Witch in the film. I know in the book she doesn’t appear, but its a good idea to add it-like they did in Prince Caspian. It’s like bonus stuff for us Narnia-fans.

    When I first saw the trailer, I was puzzled on when she would appear, so I re-read the book and once I got to the part about the Dark Island, I immediately knew and was/am very excited!

  12. I’m pleased they put the White Witch in the film, she is a great character and I think it would be one of those changes which would add to the storyline. If you look at the Dark island scene there is just a lot of screaming and shouting in the books, if I am correct, so they need to think something up to put in. Its minor, and looks like a good scene so a great idea to add to Lewis’ tale. Like they did in Caspian – I thought Tilda’s scene was one of the best in it!

    Edmund’s worse nightmare would be the White Witch so for him to see her on the Dark Island would make sense, also gives him a chance to face his fear of her once and for all at the end of his Narnia adventure (I don’t think he appears in any other books). Plus, Jadis is my favourite character, so the more the better. Also, it becoming a little film tradition to keep her in as a cameo it seems? But i would have a problem with her becoming one in the same as the Lady of the Green Kirtle in Silver Chair….yet maybe another cameo?

  13. I also think it would be Edmonds worst nightmare to meet the white witch agian! But, Douglas I do not agree that Edmond is the only one who faces internal conflict, believe that lucy and peter face thair fare share.

    Can’t wait to see th movie!! 🙂

  14. Personally, I think Swinton is a brilliant actress and that the producers were very smart to put her in the film since the book problematically lacks any real villain. And personally I will be totally upset if they don’t cast her as the Green Witch in Silver Chair. I have read these books over and over since I was a boy (many years now!) and I ALWAYS imagined that the Green Witch was identical in appearance to the White Witch even if not the same person. As an allegory, you can’t have TWO serpents enter paradise in The Magician’s Nephew, so theologically I will be very upset if it’s not Tilda. The Green Witch is just Jadis in another form. Think about it!

  15. Jadis The white witch symbolize the neverending and eternal evil in the Narnia Saga, THAT is the reason why i LOVE the Tilda Swinton “cameos” in all the narnia films. She MUST BE the green witch too in Silver Chair ! she is awesome.

  16. As I agree with most fans in previous comments, I am SO glad that Tilda Swinton reprised her role as The White Witch… even if she is in it less than 23 minutes. Like, in the book Prince Caspian, she never was visible or close to being brought back… she was mentioned by Nikabrik, the hag, and the wereworlf to bring her back.. although it didn’t happen. As in the film, that went further therefore we were able to see her.. which I LOVED. And no she isn’t in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader book, yet on Dark Island your “nightmares become real” and thats what we tare seeing in the Dawn Treader film trailer. Now, next, The Silver Chair, she is not in it. Lady of the Green Kirlte is a complete different witch. People mistake her as The White Witch cause they both come from the North aka Northern Witches. The only film Tilda Swinton should come back in for a full movie is The Magicians Nephew, where the whole Narnia series begins and where The White Witch in originally introduced. As for Peter and Susan for the Dawn Treader, they are only mentioned in the book.. Susan is on vacation with the Pevensie’s parents while Peter is back at the Professors house doing studying. As to why they are seen in the trailer, I am clueless. Be in mind, Dawn Treader is the last time we will see Edmund and Lucy in Narnia… only until The Last Battle the Pevensies that will be back is Peter, Edmund, and Lucy. Why not Susan, because she no longer believes in Narnia. Phew, hoped this has helped anyone who was confused and needed some information. Yay Narnia!

  17. I love Tilda Swinton. I’m happy she’s In this movie. I hope she’s In the silver chair. PS. I hope you got my letter Tilda Swinton.

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