New Voyage of the Dawn Treader Trailer Releasing Soon

We’re not sure when the next trailer for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be released. We have just learned that one does exist and that it is coming soon. I’ve have no idea what movie or movies that it’ll be attached to. The only ones that I could think of are Megamind and Harry Potter. It’s quite possible, though, that even if it makes a debut earlier, it will also be attached to Harry Potter regardless. Trailers tend to be attached all over the place after their initial debut.

Carla Hay writes: On September 27, I was among select members of the media who got to see sneak-preview footage and a soon-to-be released third trailer from “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” at a cocktail reception in New York City. (via Examiner)

I can’t wait to see it!


      • hmmmm thats interesting! wonder if Dreamworks would do that… (that is, add votdt to the trailers) It would also make sense about them attaching it to harry potter, I mean Harry Potter and Narnia are the two most anticipated movies this year on rotten tomatoes! Anyhew REALLY EXCITED!!!

        71 days
        10 hours
        6 minutes

    • ya I would think they would show off there special affects for the new commercial! hope they show them both! Really Excited!

    I can’t wait for some new footage! We’re getting impatient Walton and Fox…

  2. i went and saw ramona and beezus a few weeks ago at a dollar theater and the trailer was there! i was so surprised because i didn’t know it was attached to anything else.

    i CAN’T WAIT for the next one!!! i will go and see whatever it’s attached to, even if i don’t wanna see the movie!!!!!

  3. when are they going to show something on TV??? When PC’s first TV spot was the Super Bowl on ’08…which was Jan.!!! 4 months before the movie aired on the 17th of May in the States…here it is with 63 days left and nothing on TV yet…Does anyone know what’s going on ?????? thanks for any info…

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