Here we’ve summarized The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe chapter by chapter. This is not an exhaustive summary, and doesn’t cover everything that happens in the book.
- Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe
Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy have been sent to stay with Professor Kirk during the war. Their first day in the house was rainy; so they decide to explore inside. They came across a room with nothing but a large wardrobe, which Lucy decided needed to be explored. She found herself in a very strange place indeed. - What Lucy Found There
Lucy came upon a Lamp-post in the middle of a winter forest. A faun named Mr. Tumnus appeared, and asked Lucy if she was, in fact, a Daughter of Eve. Lucy then went with Mr. Tumnus to have tea and cakes. It wasn’t until after they had finished that Tumnus revealed his cruel intentions for bringing her home, not realizing she was a nice girl. Lucy, with Tumnus’ help, made it back to the Wardrobe and ran out of the Spare room to tell the others she was back. - Edmund and the Wardrobe
With none of the others believing her story about Narnia, Lucy was having a rotten couple of days, until another wet day forced them inside to play hide and seek. This time Edmund also found himself in Lucy’s “Imaginary Country.” - Turkish Delight
Edmund can’t seem to find Lucy, instead running into someone else entirely. After Edmund’s meeting with the Lady that called herself the Queen of Narnia, Lucy found him standing in the wood. Lucy thought it great that he had found his way into Narnia because, now, maybe the others would believe her. - Back on This Side of the Door
Lucy tries to tell Peter and Susan about Narnia again, but Edmund claims it was only a game they were playing. After Peter and Susan had talked with Prof. Kirk, there was no more mention of the Wardrobe, or Narnia. That was until one day the kids had to escape from the part of the house they were in because Mrs. Macready was coming with some visitors, and the only place they could go, was into the Wardrobe. - Into the Forest
After finding themselves in the woods, the decided that they would all go to see Lucy’s friend, Mr Tumnus. When they arrived, he was not there. His home was in ruin, with a letter from Maugrim, the White Witch’s Chief of the Secret Police. So they decided to go in search of Mr. Tumnus, and that was when they realized that they didn’t know how to get home again. - A Day with the Beavers
The children met up with Mr. Beaver who started to tell them of what happened to Mr. Tumnus, but insisted on going somewhere safer to talk. Mr. Beaver took them to his dam where Mrs. Beaver fed them dinner and Mr. Beaver said he could now tell them of what happened to Mr. Tumnus. - What happened after Dinner
After Mr. Beaver had explained what happened to Mr. Tumnus and that the kids were all to go and meet Aslan at the stone table, Lucy noticed that Edmund had gone. Mr. Beaver said it was time to be off, because the White Witch wouldn’t be far off, and if they took too long, they would be cut off from the stone table. - In the Witch’s House
Edward had left the Beaver’s Dam after Mr. Beaver had told them of the meeting with Aslan, and gone on to the White Witch’s house. After gloating over a Stone Lion who he supposed might have been Aslan, Edmund went inside, ran into Maugrim, and told the White Witch all he knew. - The Spell begins to Break
Mrs. Beaver insisted on packing some things to take on the journey with them. Once they were packed they left with all haste. After spending the night in a small cave, they were awoken by a sound and it seems they have a very welcome, though unexpected, visitor. - Aslan is Nearer
While all this was happening, Edmund was having a very disappointing time being driven along behind the Witch’s sleigh like a dog. The witch stopped to see who had given the animals their feast, then continued on after the other children. Finally she had to leave the sleigh and walk, because the snow had started to thaw. - Peter’s First Battle
As the kids and the Beavers were making their way towards the stone table, Narnia was rapidly thawing. Aslan was waiting for them by the time the kids got to the stone table. He was showing Peter where he would eventually be High King, when Peter had a chance to ‘earn his spurs.’ - Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time
The Witch was preparing to use Edmund as a sacrifice when the Talking Beasts, on Aslan’s orders, came to rescue him. The next morning after Edmund had finished talking with Aslan, the White Witch demand to see Aslan, Claiming something which she thought was rightfully hers. - The Triumph of the Witch
After the Witch had left, Aslan said it was time to move from the stone table, and camp at the Fords of Beruna. On the way, Aslan taught Peter about fighting a battle and things he might need to know for the upcoming battle with the Witch, for he might not always be there. - Deeper Magic from Before the Dawn of Time
The Witch may have known of a Deep Magic, But Aslan knew of one which was deeper, which cracked the Stone Table. After a frolic of which, none have ever been seen in Narnia, Aslan and the Girls headed to the Witch’s house for there were things to be done. - What Happened about the Statues
After Aslan had turned all the statues back to life again, and Lucy had been reunited with Mr. Tumnus, it was time to join the Battle. After much rearranging and organizing, the dogs sniffed out the way to the Battle. - The Hunting of the White Stag
After the battle had ended, everyone marched to Cair Paravel, where Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy were crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia. They reigned for a great many years, until they went hunting for the White Stag. They found themselves going by a familiar Lamp-post and then tumbled out of the Wardrobe. When they finally returned to our world, Professor Kirk advised them not to try and get back into Narnia using the Wardrobe again, because they will end up in Narnia when they least expect it.
The summaries are ver short and not detailed
That’s because we didn’t want to be doing people’s homework.
True why is that??
Really helpful for remembering even though I love rereading the book whenever I forget a chapter