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C.S. Lewis

Jesuit actor plans to stage Lewis’ The Great Divorce

Like hundreds of actors in New York, George Drance holds down another job while pursuing his acting career. Unlike his contemporaries, though, Drance doesn’t fill in as a temp or wait tables. In fact, his other work is as much a vocation as is his acting. As a Jesuit priest, Fr. Drance integrates his two worlds with the ease of a skilled performer. […]

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C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis Today Conference in Sydney, Australia

On Saturday 6 May, Douglas Gresham, Co-Producer of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, local members of the crew, film and TV industry, and writers are taking part in the first ever Australian national C.S. Lewis Conference in Sydney. […]

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C.S. Lewis

The Third Austin C. S. Lewis Conference – Registration Open

Peter Kreeft, William Lane Craig and Frederica Mathewes Green will lead the journey as we explore the heart and depth of the Christian faith. These internationally known speakers will give us a rich day of thought provoking insight. Artistic performances scattered like shimmering islands throughout the day will give us time to enjoy the God-given creativity of the Body of Christ. We will also enjoy meals outdoors under tents with live music and a play in the evening on the life of C.S. Lewis created and performed by the author, David Payne, An Evening with C.S. Lewis. […]

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C.S. Lewis

Search To Find Story Behind Lewis Letter

An appeal has been issued to find the relatives of an Ulster woman who received a letter from CS Lewis in 1944. The letter was found in a Belfast auction several years ago, but a Co Tyrone-based Lewis biographer believes it might be an entry point into a much bigger story, much like one of Lewis’ magic wardrobes. […]

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C.S. Lewis

Lewis would have enjoyed ‘Narnia’ success — scholar

C.S. Lewis scholar the Rev. Joel Heck, who will speak in Flint on Jan. 28, thinks the British author would not have objected to having his children’s book “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” converted into what has turned out to be a blockbuster movie. […]