Check into Narnia and C.S. Lewis on FourSquare
C.S. Lewis

Follow NarniaFans on FourSquare has recently joined the social network Foursquare. FourSquare is a location based social network that is growing in popularity. People can use FourSquare to share their location with friends. People can now follow on FourSquare to receive tips about C.S. Lewis or Narnia locations nearby. NarniaFans currently has over 70 tips at C.S. Lewis retaliated locations around the world. If there are Narnia or C.S. Lewis locations nearby you that we have not listed please comment on this article to suggest new locations for our page to promote. You can visit the NarniaFans FourSquare page at […]

C.S. Lewis

“Like” C.S. Lewis the Movie on Facebook

A movie about the life of C.S. Lewis is planned to be released in summer of 2012 and has been written by Louis Markos AND Darren Scott Jacobs. The official webpage for this project can be found at This website recently linked to the official facebook page for the new C.S. Lewis movie. To become a fan of this movie click here: also has a facebook page If you like this website or if you like The Chronicles of Narnia please “like” both of these pages. is quickly approaching 2,000,000 fans. […]

C.S. Lewis The Movie In Theaters Summer 2012
C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis Movie Teaser Webpage

The movie’s writer Darren Jacobs and Voyage of the Dawn Treader actor Tony Nixon shared a link to a new website for the C.S. Lewis movie. This webpage is currently just a teaser for the full website. The text reveals the title of the film and a tentative release date of summer 2012. The webpage can be viewed at […]

C.S. Lewis

WSJ: Flaherty on CS Lewis

Tuesday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal features an op-ed by Walden Media President Micheal Flaherty. Flaherty’s piece is a response to recent comments by former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who includes C.S. Lewis […]

C.S. Lewis

Glen GoodKnight: 1941

Back in 2008, we held LionCon in California and one of the guest speakers we managed to host was Glen GoodKnight, founder of the Mythopoeic Society. He passed away Wednesday night, November 3rd. Glen founded […]