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C.S. Lewis

Lewis books raise £34,000

Last month, we informed NarniaFans that CS Lewis’ secretary Walter Hooper would be auctioning off signed first edition copies of three of the Narnian Chronicles. We are delighted to report that the books were able to help raise £34,000 .


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C.S. Lewis

Narnia books boost appeal

A former secretary of Oxford author CS Lewis is giving away signed first editions of the author’s Narnia books to raise money to renovate a city church.

The Oxford Oratory Church of St Aloysius, in Woodstock Road, is set to receive the windfall thanks to the generosity of Walter Hooper.


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C.S. Lewis

Tumnus’s Bookshelf: The NarniaFans Book Reviews: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian: “Caspian’s Army”

Welcome to Tumnus’s Book Shelf where we review any and all books related to Narnia and CS Lewis! For this weeks review, we will be looking at The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian: Caspian’s Army


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C.S. Lewis

Interview with Max McLean and his role in “Screwtape”

It would be very hard to think about playing the devil in a play. In “The Screwtape Letters” which began showing in Washington, D.C. on April 17th and ran through May 18th, Max McLean played the lead character from the C.S. Lewis’ book with the same title. Mr. McLean sat down with The Christian Post and chatted about how he felt about playing a devil and what he thinks is the most common temptation in society today. […]

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C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis: A Fictional Character in The Indigo King

James A. Owen is the author of a series called “The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica.” The first book in the series, “Here, There Be Dragons” introduced us to the characters that would become the heroes of the stories: Jack, John and Charles. […]