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C.S. Lewis

LWW Among Top 10 Re-read Books in UK

A recent survey in the United Kingdom (UK) found that The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe was the eighth most re-read book among UK readers. The Narnia book was beaten by many noteworthy novels and series, including Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin, The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, and the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling, which took the number one spot. […]

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C.S. Lewis

Northern Michigan’s Annual C. S. Lewis Festival explores The Question of God

The Petoskey area is gearing up for the fifth annual month-long festival on the life and works of the man who created Narnia, C. S. Lewis.

Beginning with the kickoff weekend October 26-28, community groups and guest scholars will explore the theme of The Question of God in accessible and dramatic style, delving into issues that preoccupy all thinking people today: What is happiness? How do we find meaning and purpose in our lives? […]

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C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis Society Update (10/24/07)

Please note the following in this issue of the C.S. Lewis Society Update (10/24/07):

1. New Christianity vs. Atheism Debates
2. Next meetings of C.S. Lewis Society’s Bay Area Book Club: Miracles
3. Recent Articles Pertaining to C. S. Lewis
4. Other Events


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C.S. Lewis Books

Devin Brown’s Inside Prince Caspian hitting shelves in January

Both ardent C.S. Lewis fans and newcomers to the Narnia movie series are excited about the second installment, “Prince Caspian,” hitting theatres in May 2008. The first movie, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” grossed over $740 million worldwide, and Devin Brown, nationally recognized expert on C.S. Lewis and author of Inside Narnia, one of the most popular books about Lewis’ Chronicles, offers a sneak peak into the newest story in the series with Inside Prince Caspian. […]

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Behind the Wardrobe: An Interview Series with Douglas Gresham. Part 4 of 6: ” On the Narnia Film Project.”

Hey, Narnia Fans! Welcome to “Behind the Wardrobe” an Interview Series with Douglas Gresham. Join me as we find out about CS Lewis, Narnia and more in this interview series.

Special thanks to Paul Martin (The Webmaster for NarniaFans) and to Mr. Douglas Gresham himself for this amazing opportunity. And an even bigger thanks to Mr. Gresham for putting up with a few of my impossible questions. Thanks for being such a great sport about it

For this week: On The Narnia Film Project.


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Down the pub with Tolkien and C. S. Lewis

There is magic in the last line of The Lord of the Rings. To recap: the stolidly courageous Sam Gamgee, having watched his best friend, Frodo Baggins, sail towards the Grey Havens and into a kind of death, is left to walk back to the Shire where he finds his wife and children waiting with the promise of a quiet life far from the slaughter of the War of the Ring. J. R. R. Tolkien finishes with the sentence: “‘Well, I’m back,’ he said”. It is a touchingly understated conclusion which returns the prose to the homely simplicity of the inaugural chapters after the archaic epic mode of The Return of the King. […]