Peter’s Sword from Master Replicas
Below is a pic of Master Replicas collectibles from various upcoming Disney releases, including the sword from The Chronicles of Narnia! Included is Peter’s Sword, Susan’s Bow, and Peter’s Shield!
Below is a pic of Master Replicas collectibles from various upcoming Disney releases, including the sword from The Chronicles of Narnia! Included is Peter’s Sword, Susan’s Bow, and Peter’s Shield!
The very latest from Cinema Confidential regarding “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe” due out Christmas 2005 from Walt Disney Pictures!
A mystical theme from “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” will greet guests for the fourth annual celebration of New Zealand Filmmaking and Creative Talent dinner on Friday, Feb. 25 at the Beverly Hills Hotel. […]
Can you talk a little about the range of effects you’ve got planned? We’ve seen the digital matting, — Yeah, tons and tons of breadth and snow and stuff like that. The biggest challenge, I […]
It’s the last week to register at the cheaper Early Bird rates for Seattle’s Tolcon (May 13-15), and they have some good group rates too. Special guests include Ted Nasmith and Kiran Shah, who’ll have stories about his time on LOTR and the Narnia sets. […]
Part Two of the Behind the Magic of Narnia series is now online! This features the train station, a unicorn, the White Witch’s castle, wolves in the forest and a whole lot more with a video interview with director Andrew Adamson! […]
This fall, Walt Disney Pictures will bring to the large screen The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, based on the classic novel series by C.S. Lewis. Hasbro unveils its toy line based on the film at the American International Toy Fair in New York in February. […]
Revealing news at Toy Fair was the announcement that Dark Horse had signed on as the exclusive distributor of upcoming product from WETA Collectibles. […]
Aslan, a talking lion with mystical powers, is the central figure in “The Chronicles of Narnia,” the much-beloved seven-volume series of fantasy novels written by the British academic C. S. Lewis in the 1950’s. By the year’s end, if Disney marketers have their way, he will have joined Mickey Mouse, Pinocchio and Buzz Lightyear in a long line of characters that have periodically provided the Burbank giant with entertainment’s most valuable asset, a new fantasy to trade on. […]
Today is Ray Winstone’s Birthday today! Happy Birthday Ray! To find out what Ray did in the film, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, check out his profile here on NarniaFans.
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